To Be Read Tag

Posted 22 December 2014 in meme, to be read /4 Comments

A companion post to yesterday’s Tidying the TBR List“. As I mentioned yesterday, I like reviewing my TBR shelf at the end of the year. Here are some questions that made me think about how I use my ‘TBR pile’. Found via Jamie @ Perpetual Page Turner.

  • How do you keep track of your TBR?
    • I use Goodreads’ to-be-read shelf. I also have to-be-read-SUBJECT shelves so when I’m the mood for a certain type of read I can easily find one. This includes books friends have recommended to me, books I’ve read about online, books I spotted in the library, books to be published, books I’ve purchased. If I’ve come across a book somewhere, anywhere and I might want to read it, I add it to the Goodreads shelf.
  • Is your TBR mostly print or ebook?
    • I don’t really understand this question ^^; If it’s referring to books I own that are on the TBR, then definitely physical. In general – I have a list of books to read. I’ll read a book however I can get a hold of it. Usually that means physical books borrowed from the library or purchased for myself. However, since I’m living in Japan, now it means ebooks (borrowed or purchased). 
  • How do you determine what to read next?
    • Usually I go by whatever I’m in the mood for. I’m currently blazing through a YA fantasy trilogy that wasn’t even on the list, because that’s what I felt like reading. Occasionally I’ll decide to read a book just because it’s a new release. But mostly, I browse the TBR list to find something that suits my mood.
  • A book that has been on your TBR the longest
    •  On my Goodreads TBR shelf – Collapse by Jared Diamond, on the list since 7 February 2012.  (when I decided to really start using GoodReads in June 2012, I added a number of books I had listed in a Word document). But I’ve wanted to read The Silmarillion since grade seven…I’m so nervous about finishing it, though, I want to save it for as long as possible! (Silly reasoning, but that’s that. Next year probably I will give it a serious go.) 

  • A book you recently added to your TBR
    •  A Stranger in Olondria by Sofia Samatar – I hadn’t heard of this book until a friend recently reviewed it. It sounds like something I would enjoy, so I added it.
  • A book on your TBR solely for the beautiful cover
    •  Ooh, I try not to be swayed by covers…but if I was, I would have added Evergreen by Rebecca Rasmussen.
  • A book on your TBR you never plan on reading
    • In yesterday’s post, I wrote about nixing such books. There are still a few I like to think I’ll read some day…but probably won’t. One Hundred Years of Solitude is one such book.
  • An unpublished book on your TBR you’re excited about
    •  Challenger Deep by Neal Shusterman – now that the Unwind books have wrapped up, I’m excited to see what he tackles next!
  • A book on your TBR that basically everyone has read but you
    • The Giver has the most GoodReads ratings on my TBR shelf (+950,000! The book with the second most ratings [speak of the devil – One Hundred Years of Solitude] has ~430,000).
  • A book on your TBR that everyone recommends to you
    • I don’t get many personal book recommendations, so I think I’ll just go with The Giver again here. 
  • How many books are on your GoodReads TBR shelf?
    • 462 – for my first two years on GoodReads I kept it under 100, but there’s no containing it now!

Leave a link (or an answer to any of these questions) in the comments if you fill in this tag!

4 responses to “To Be Read Tag

  1. I also use Goodreads to organize my TBR list. It's about the only thing I do on Goodreads (i'm too lazy to copy my reviews there) but I find it very handy for that. And I periodically clear out books, but not very much. I think maybe I should make a shelf for "Books I think I'm never actually going to read but want to remind myself about for one reason or another."

    The book I added most recently is Greenglass House by Kate Milford. I notice I have a lot of fantasy books, especially children's fantasy, on my list, but I have read hardly any of them this year. I have been reading a lot more classic fiction since I started blogging, which is great, but I should keep up with other genres too!

  2. I used to keep a Word document with books I wanted to read before I found GoodReads. I agree it's very handy; I hardly remember how I survived without it! I love being able to sort the shelves in all different ways. I think I did better this year with balancing my reading across genres, but I would like to read more children's as well. I'm limited to library ebooks and I find they're harder to get a hold of than new contemporary fiction.

  3. I also use Goodreads to organize my TBR list. It&#39s about the only thing I do on Goodreads (i&#39m too lazy to copy my reviews there) but I find it very handy for that. And I periodically clear out books, but not very much. I think maybe I should make a shelf for "Books I think I&#39m never actually going to read but want to remind myself about for one reason or another." The book I added most recently is Greenglass House by Kate Milford. I notice I have a lot of fantasy books, especially children&#39s fantasy, on my list, but I have read hardly any of them this year. I have been reading a lot more classic fiction since I started blogging, which is great, but I should keep up with other genres too!

  4. I used to keep a Word document with books I wanted to read before I found GoodReads. I agree it&#39s very handy; I hardly remember how I survived without it! I love being able to sort the shelves in all different ways. I think I did better this year with balancing my reading across genres, but I would like to read more children&#39s as well. I&#39m limited to library ebooks and I find they&#39re harder to get a hold of than new contemporary fiction.

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