Month: October 2016

September Month in Review

3 October 2016 / month in review / 12 Comments
September Month in Review

Look at this! My first monthly review post. I’m not really sure why I’ve never written one before, but now it seems like a tidy way to keep track of what I did in a month and what I’m looking forward to in the next. I updated less frequently than usual in September. Migrating my blog ate up my spare time (although admittedly procrastinating via playing around with the design […]

Cybils 2016

1 October 2016 / events / 3 Comments
Cybils 2016

Today nominations open for the Cybils Awards. The Cybils are the Children’s and Young Adult Blogger’s Literary Awards. The award “aims to recognize the children’s and young adult authors and illustrators whose books combine the highest literary merit and popular appeal”. I don’t usually follow awards, but I appreciate the Cybils because, as a fan of middle-grade and as an aspiring children’s librarian, it’s one that’s actually relevant to my […]