Month: September 2018

The Best of Middle Grade Fiction: Front Desk by Kelly Yang [Review]

Posted 30 September 2018 in review /4 Comments

Format/source: Hardcover/library
Published: May 2018
Publisher: Arthur A. Levine
Length: 286 pages
Genre: Middle grade fiction

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Based on the author’s experiences growing up as a Chinese immigrant in the 1990’s, Kelly Yang’s debut novel explores the stark trials 10 year old Mia Tang and her parents face while managing a hotel for a prejudiced landlord in California.

Front Desk takes place in California during the nineties. This time period had particular ramifications for Chinese immigrants with which I was unfamiliar. I learnt a lot from the author’s note, such as the fact that many families left China in the nineties thinking nothing was going to change in that country.

No group of Chinese immigrants before or since came with quite so little and gave up so much.

Kelly Yang, author’s note

Racism, crime, and poverty challenge Mia as she fights for the rights of her customers and for herself to get off the ‘rollercoaster of poverty’. Mia herself experiences racism from White hotel customers and classmates, as well as from Mr. Yao, the financially better off Chinese immigrant who owns the hotel and has an American born son Mia’s age.  She witnesses racism against Black people, including one of the hotel’s weekly residents. Mia fights for their rights as much as hers using quick thinking, defiance, and letter writing, despite her mother’s admonishments that Mia will never be good enough at English.

Mia navigates real world ‘adult’ problems including loan sharks, robberies, and no health insurance. Her story is not entirely as lighthearted or trivial as many other middle grade fiction novels. The cover and description of Front Desk didn’t really convey to me the depth of the challenges within. Front Desk‘s strength, however, is its portrayal of what it can be like to be a young immigrant like Mia, who has her own hopes and dreams for herself and her community, and does whatever she can to achieve those.  Mia’s friendships with her school friend Lupe, the hotel’s weekly residents, and the immigrants her parents shelter bring a strong thread of community solidarity to the story. 

Mia is a sweetheart. Her occasional naivety broke my heart (ex. “I have money! Let’s go to the hospital”) while her determined attitude made me smile. I’m not the type that gets weepy emotional at books but I teared up maybe four times while reading this due to Mia’s experiences and actions – for both happy and sad moments!

The Bottom Line

Briskly paced yet emotionally moving, Front Desk shines in its portrayal of a young girl unafraid of creating change. 

Further Reading

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Books I Haven’t Read by my Favourite Authors [Top 10 ‘Tuesday’]

28 September 2018 / to be read, top 10 tuesday / 2 Comments
Books I Haven’t Read by my Favourite Authors [Top 10 ‘Tuesday’]

I missed this week’s Top Ten Tuesday because I’ve had a cold sapping my energy since Sunday night, but I had a two hour nap this afternoon and now I’m ready to blog! I wanted to participate in this topic (books by my favourite authors that I still need to read) because I actually have a Goodreads shelf for it. Links to Goodreads. The Lottery and Other Stories by Shirley Jackson […]

The Fellowship of the Ring Book Tag

22 September 2018 / meme / 0 Comments
The Fellowship of the Ring Book Tag

Thanks to Nandini for tagging me to do this! I’m posting this tag today in honour of Hobbit Day (September 22 is the birthday of both Bilbo Baggins and Frodo Baggins, respective protagonists of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. Gandalf – a book that taught you something Zen Keys by Thich Nhat Hanh – Taking ‘taught you something’ literally here, this is the book that largely introduced me to and spurred […]

In Other Lands by Sarah Rees Brennan [Family Reads]

20 September 2018 / family reads / 0 Comments
In Other Lands by Sarah Rees Brennan [Family Reads]

Why we chose Sarah Rees Brennan’s In Other Lands After Mythago Wood  disappointed my sister and I, we agreed that we wanted to try another stand alone fantasy.  Ash suggested this book, about which I had recently heard some positive things. The Borderlands aren’t like anywhere else. Don’t try to smuggle a phone or any other piece of technology over the wall that marks the Border—unless you enjoy a fireworks display […]

What Have I Been Up To? (+ August 2018 Month in Review)

17 September 2018 / month in review / 0 Comments
What Have I Been Up To? (+ August 2018 Month in Review)

Hello! You may have noticed I was catching up on blog hopping this past weekend. Now I’m catching up on my own blog. The past few weeks have flown by. The final week of August saw me wrap up my summer job (primarily in the form of a 3,000 word report :P). My parents drove me home from the mountains and visited until September 13. University classes started on September […]