Month: August 2011

Jared Diamond – Guns, Germs and Steel

Posted 27 August 2011 in book friday archive /0 Comments

Author: Jared Diamon
Title: Guns, Germs and Steel
Published: March 1997
Publisher: W.W. Norton
Length: 441 pages
Genre: Non-fiction (world history/anthropology/culture)
Why I picked it up: Interest in the topic
Rating: 4 stars
Challenges: 100+

This is a book I’ve owned for a few years but haven’t been quite ready to tackle until now. I signed it out from the high school library, read about 50 pages, realized it was a bit too much for me to take in at the time but would be something I would definitely enjoy at some point and so I bought it.  (Coincidentally, the following year in my world issues class, we watched the documentary based on the book.) For the past four or five weeks, it’s been my ‘weekend reading’ and I finally completed it last weekend.

Discuss general interest in the topic

Question asking format (admittedly, I’m a fan, but it’s done exceptionally well here. Asks specific questions, follows up immediately and specifically!) (ex. pg 197 second para)

Extra Books – August 15 to 21

22 August 2011 / more books archive / 0 Comments

Now that I’m home, I’ve decided that I should tackle some of the books on my bookshelf that have yet to be read…these two books from the shelf. The Sigh of Haruhi Suzumiya by Nagaru Tanigawa  Published: October 2009 (English) Genre: Science fiction Why I picked it up: Enjoyed the first book in the series Rating: 3.5 stars Challenges: Global | 100+ My Thoughts: I first encountered the Haruhi Suzumiya […]

Catherynne M. Valente – The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland In a Ship of Her Own Making

19 August 2011 / book friday archive / 1 Comment
Catherynne M. Valente – The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland In a Ship of Her Own Making

Author: Catherynne M. Valente Title: The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland In a Ship of Her Own Making Published: May 2011 Publisher: Feiwel and Friends Length: 256 pages Genre: Fantasy, fairy tale Target age: Preteen (10+)Why I picked it up: Browsing Amazon, sounded like something I would loveRating: 4.5 starsChallenges: 100+ Buy: Chapters | IndieBound | Check your local bookstore! It may be that I have a weakness for these kind of […]