- The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka
- Published: 1915
- Genre: Philosophical literature
- Why I picked it up: On my TBR list
- Rating: 3 stars
- Challenges: Global | 100+
- My Thoughts:
- I enjoyed this more than The Trial. Honestly, it was an easier read for me and wasn’t as dry and dull as The Trial (but remember, I’ve established that I missed the point of that book ^^;).
- It was completely different from what I anticipated (something more recognizably philosophical and dreamy, almost) but I knew that it would be like that after reading The Trial.
- It’s Up to You: The Practice of Self-Reflection on the Buddhist Path byDzigar Kongtrul
- Published: 2005
- Genre: Spiritual non-fiction
- Why I picked it up: Pursuing an interest in [Zen] Buddhism
- Rating: 3.5 stars
- Challenges: 100+
- My Thoughts:
- This book contains a foreword, a preface, an author’s preface, acknowledgements, a supplication and an introduction. And then the book begins.
- While this book didn’t say anything I didn’t really already know, it put certain ideas into new words and helped refresh these ideas and make me think of them in a different way. That’s why I like reading these books on Buddhism, they help me think and focus on spirituality. By reading about it in my daily life, I remember to experience it in my daily life because I think so much about what I read.
Month: March 2011
J.K. Rowling – Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Author: J.K. Rowling Title: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Published: July 1999 Publisher: Raincoast Length: 317 pages Genre: Magical fantasy Target age: ChildrenWhy I picked it up: Rereading the seriesRating: 4 starsChallenges: Harry Potter 2011 | 100+ Buy: Chapters | Barnes and Noble | Check your local bookstore! This is still my favourite Harry Potter book and I think it will continue to be, but I suppose I […]
Extra Books – March 14 to 20
Sputnik Sweetheart by Haruki Murakami Published: April 2001 (English) Genre: Surrealist mystery Why I picked it up: Like the author Rating: 4 stars Challenges: Global | 100+ My Thoughts: Oh, it’s so hard to give Murakami’s works a rating! I really love them all, but it’s hard to compare these novels to the masterpiece that is Kafka on the Shore. I love the themes and the common elements and the prose. […]
Extra Books – March 7 to 13
Japanese Religious Traditions by Michiko Yusa Published: March 2006 Genre: Non-fiction Why I picked it up: Interest in Japanese religions Rating: 3.5 stars Challenges: 100+ My Thoughts: Highly informative! There seemed to be a lot more history, names and dates than actual beliefs but I think this is a very handy introductory book. Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut Published: 1969 Genre: Science fiction, historical fiction Why I picked it up: […]
Franz Kafka – The Trial

*The following information applies to an English hardcover edition. (the novel was originally published in German in 1925).* Author: Franz KafkaTranslator: Richard Stokes Title: The Trial Published: 2005 Publisher: Hesperus Press Length: 210 pages Genre: Philosophical literature Target age: AdultWhy I picked it up: On my TBR listRating: —-Challenges: Global | 100+ Buy: Chapters | Barnes and Noble | Check your local bookstore! I’m not giving this a rating because […]