I purchased an iPad back in October. I did not have reading eBooks in mind, as I prefer physical books wherever possible and I can borrow plenty of those from the public library. Then I discovered there are a number of eBook novellas by some of my favourite authors, telling prequels, filling in gaps, or sharing alternate perspectives. I bought three of them back around Christmas and finally decided to read them a few weeks ago on a break from school.
- The Girl Who Ruled Fairyland – For a Little While by Catherynne M. Valente
- Series: Fairyland #0.5
- When to Read: After The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in A Ship of Her Own Making (Fairyland #1).
- Rating: ★★★½ [ratings guide]
- A great read if you want to know more about Mallow and the Green Wind
- Holds all the charm and character of the other Fairyland stories, while feeling a touch more mature and solemn
- Unstrung by Neal Shusterman and Michelle Knowlden
- Series: Unwind #1.5
- When to Read: After Unwind (Unwind #1)
- Rating: ★★★½ [ratings guide]
- Tells the story of what Lev did between leaving CyFi and becoming a clapper
- As with the Fairyland story above, contains all the qualities I like about Shusterman’s writing (plot twists, intense narration, thoughtful characters, moral grappling)
- Last two chapters really pack a punch and bring the whole story together, in line with the rest of the series – fills in gaps well, relevant to the series, does not feel like an afterthought
- Skeleton & Dust by Rhiannon Paille
- Series: The Ferryman and the Flame #0.5
- When to Read: Before or after Surrender (The Ferryman and the Flame #1)
- I would have preferred to read this before Surrender (if you read it before, you’ll have a better context for Surrender; if you read it after, you’ll recognize key characters from Surrender)
- Rating: ★★★½ [ratings guide]
- Sets up the first novel by providing historical context
- Romantic aspect feels more realistic than in Surrender (though reading this clarifies the romance in Surrender so it seems more believable!)
- Especially liked Aria’s interactions with the Ferryman, and the scene where Aria shares food with the children
I have The Ferryman and the Flame #1.5 and #2.5 still to go. I wonder how many more little eBooks by authors I like are out there. Have you read any stories that were only available as eBooks that you enjoyed?