Month: October 2015

End of Event Meme

Posted 18 October 2015 in events, Uncategorized /0 Comments

I missed the mid-event survey (I thought about doing but decided to keep reading instead :P), but here’s the end of event meme.

  • Which hour was most daunting for you?
    • The last one before I finally crashed (Hour 16). I actually fell asleep with the book in my hands! Should have had a nap…
  • Could you list a few high-interest books that you think could keep a Reader engaged for next year?
    • I don’t usually read the kind of books that are considered ‘good’ Read-a-thon reads… Perhaps a book you’ve wanted to reread for ages could be a good one to get pulled back into.
  • Do you have any suggestions for how to improve the Read-a-thon next year?
    • Nope, keep up the good work!
  • What do you think worked really well in this year’s Read-a-thon?
    • I didn’t use the GoodReads group too much as part of my ‘less social media’ attempt, but it looked really well organized.
  • How many books did you read?
    • I read five books (but only one in its entirety during the Read-a-thon).
  • What were the names of the books you read?
    • The Lord of the Rings – 54 pages
    • “Shouldn’t You Be In School?” – 239 pages (finished the book) 
    • The 1918 Pilgrimage of Takamure Itsue – 80 pages
    • Walk on Earth a Stranger – 436 pages (entire book)
    • Skary Childrin and the Carousel of Sorrow – 165 pages 
  • Which book did you enjoy most?
    •  Surprisingly, I enjoyed Shikoku Pilgrimage book the most! (LotR aside, of course). Takamure sounds very much like a modern 23 year old. There’s a lot of humour I didn’t anticipate.
  • Which did you enjoy least?
    • Skary Childrin. It’s fine but not quite compelling enough to keep me awake 😛
  • If you were a Cheerleader, do you have any advice for next year’s Cheerleaders?
    • I cheered on Twitter (previously I cheered on blogs). I’m not sure I have any great advice, but I try to spread out my cheering throughout the day so it’s not too much to do at one time.
  • How likely are you to participate in the Read-a-thon again? What role would you be likely to take next time?
    • Unfortunately I will likely miss out on April’s Read-a-thon for the first time in three years, as I will be WWOOFing in New Zealand 🙁 (though I’m not too sad about that!)

I read 974 pages in 10.5 hours. I used a stopwatch to keep track of my reading so even bathroom breaks and drink top ups were excluded this time 😉 Not quite the 12 hours I hoped for, but I managed managed to squeak by my last record! I stayed off social media more than ever before, I think. I took a couple bigger breaks to do engage on Twitter and that was really fun (what would this even be without Twitter?!). How was your Read-a-thon?

Introductory Meme

17 October 2015 / events, Uncategorized / 0 Comments
Introductory Meme

Good morning fellow Read-a-thoners! I awoke just before 7:00AM, and started reading right then. So far I’ve read 55 pages of The Lord of the Rings and eaten breakfast. Time to do the introductory post. What fine part of the world are you reading from today? Canadian prairies. I woke up to some lovely frost! I’m pleased as a peach to be reading at home after spending the last two […]

Prepping for Dewey’s 24-Hour Read-a-thon

16 October 2015 / events, Uncategorized / 0 Comments
Prepping for Dewey’s 24-Hour Read-a-thon

Read-a-thon this Saturday! This will be my fifth time participating. I feel like it snuck up on me :O I’m making last minute preparations, but I think this could be my most successful Read-a-thon yet. I’m happy to be back at home to participate (I did the previous two in Japan). Here is my potential reading list. I know it’s an impossible list – I like to have options! Of […]

Review: The Nest by Kenneth Oppel

14 October 2015 / review / 2 Comments
Review: The Nest by Kenneth Oppel

Author: Kenneth Oppel Title: The Nest Format/Source: Hardcover/PurchasedPublished: September 2015Publisher: HarperCollinsLength: 244 pagesGenre: Middle grade gothicWhy I Read: Good creative team, intriguing plot, sister recommendedRead If You: Like creepy fairy tales, spooky stories, Coraline, etc.Rating:  ★★★★★ [ratings guide] Links: GoodReads | IndieBound | Chapters | Amazon This book kind of fell into my lap. I only added it to my TBR on 30 September. My sister talked a bit about it on the weekend. […]

Review: Acceptance by Jeff Vandermeer

5 October 2015 / review / 0 Comments
Review: Acceptance by Jeff Vandermeer

Author: Jeff Vandermeer Title: Acceptance Series: Southern Reach #3 Format/Source: Paperback/Sister’s copy Published: September 2014 Publisher: HarperCollins Length: 338 pages Genre: Dystopian scifi Why I Read: Devoured the first book, trooped through the second book, excited for the final book Read If You’re: Ready to get some answers about Area X! Quote: “I could not come to terms with the possibility that one day I might put aside my vigilance […]