- I think I added this book after seeing it featured at Chapters.
- This is an unusual memoir in that the person writing it doesn’t recall the bulk of the time she writes about. Susannah takes on the role of reporter into her own life. I can’t imagine how strange that must be. The slow struggle to return to her usual self, as she recognizes what she can no longer do, was also tough to witness.
- Every now and then I come across a book about an intriguing medical condition, something fascinating and unusual that shows just how little we understand our bodies (or indeed how well we can understand them, given the variables).
- I was astonished by how quickly Susannah’s problems were at first dismissed as being drinking related (72). It seems this is a side-effect of an overwhelmed health care system, with doctors being unable to give patients they time and attention they need.
- Something else I was amazed by was the amount and cost of the blood infusions (erm, not sure if that’s the correct term…) she had done.
Pg. 146 wow can’t blood cost and amount - The attitude toward mental disorders in this book made me very uncomfortable. Susannah, her parents and some of her doctors all seem to think something along the lines of “We don’t want her to be crazy, god forbid she needs psychiatric help, we want her to be normally, properly sick”. I understand that part of the concern comes from the fear of being diagnosed with a psychiatric disorder instead of the real problem, but the way she discusses psychiatric diseases is like they’re a ‘lesser’ problem, like “Ew, icky, at least I’m really sick with my disease”.
- I chatted with my Mom about this book, which made me think of so many comments on reading books with family members, that I’m going to make a whole post about it later.
Month: February 2015
Review: A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab

Author: V.E. SchwabTitle: A Darker Shade of MagicFormat/Source: ebook/Amazon Published: February 2015Publisher: TorLength: 400 pagesGenre: Magical fantasyWhy I Read: Excited to keep reading after the sneak peakRead If You’re: Fantasy/magic fan, of the Gaiman varietyQuote: “The wall gave way and the traveller and the thief stepped forward and through.” (49%)Rating: ★★★★ [ratings guide] Links: GoodReads | IndieBound | Chapters | Amazon Whoop whoop. Now that it’s released and I’ve read the whole […]
Review: The Third Plate by Dan Barber

Author: Dan BarberTitle: The Third PlateFormat/Source: eBook/LibraryPublished: May 2014Publisher: Penguin PressLength: 496 pagesGenre: Non-fictionWhy I Read: Interested in food; haven’t read a book like this in agesRead If You’d: Like to learn about improving a food’s flavour or how eat more ‘naturally’Quote: “The food chain is actually more like a set of Olympic rings. They all hang together.” (33)Rating: ★★★½ [ratings guide]Challenges: Foodies Read 2015 GoodReads | IndieBound | Chapters | Amazon […]
Sneak Peek: A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab

Release date: 24 February 2015 (20 February Kindle edition) GoodReads | Chapters | IndieBound | Amazon The first I heard of this book was over at Lone Star on a Lark (Louise has read the whole book, so give her review a look if you want a broader perspective). I was happy to find the ‘sneak peek’ offered on Netgalley and decided to request it, just to see if the […]
Blogging Discussion: Writing Positive vs. Negative Reviews
Here’s a topic that’s been simmering in my mind since October. I started to contemplate this after posting reviews of Mr. Penumbra’s 24-Hour Bookstore and The Haunting of Hill House. One book I loved and one book I did not love. My personal opinion aside, the two reviews are vastly different in terms of writing style. You might think two different people wrote those reviews! One review I am proud […]