Septembers’s Result – The Book Whisperer by Donalyn Miller

I have been putting off this post because I’ve had The Book Whisperer on hold for almost two months – and it still hasn’t become available! So my thoughts on it will have to wait, but the voting continues.
November’s Selection
October’s theme is middle grade fiction that’s been languishing on my TBR. I sorted my to-read-middle-grade shelf by date added, ascending. These are the first four titles that made me think “I can’t believe I haven’t read that yet…”
- I Lived on Butterfly Hill by Marjori Agosín (added Oct. 2014) – Historical fiction (1960s, girl sent to America from Chile for safety by her parents). I am under-read when it comes to middle grade in translation.
- Cuckoo Song by Frances Hardinge (added Apr. 2015) – Dark fantasy. I finally read and loved a Hardinge novel when it was nominated for the 2017 Cybils. Perhaps it’s time to read another?
- The Water and the Wild by K.E. Ormsbee (added Apr. 2015) – Portal fantasy, I think. I had no recollection of this book til I read another book by this author (thanks to your voting!), The House in Poplar Wood.
- A House Without Mirrors by Mårten Sandén (added Jun. 2015) – Mystery/speculative fiction. This looks like a curious middle grade title by a Swedish author.
Which book should I read in November? Vote on the poll below or by leaving a comment on this post. (I can’t tell who voted on Twitter, so if you’re really keen you can vote in the comments AND on Twitter ;P) Voting closes on 27 October. Voting now closed.