Month: June 2020

Most Anticipated Releases for the Second Half of 2020 [TTT]

Posted 30 June 2020 in top 10 tuesday /18 Comments

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Hosted by Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl

The title of this post says it all. List ordered by release date. Entirely speculative fiction and primarily middle grade fiction, with one adult (#1) and two young adult (#5 and #9) titles. Middle grade continues to impress. As you’ll see below, so many great stories, so many awesome covers.

  1. The Year of the Witching by Alexis Henderson (Jul. 21) – Puritanical society + dark powers + feminist fantasy + #ownvoices for Black/biracial rep
  2. Cattywampus by Ash Van Otterloo (Aug. 4) – Forbidden hexes + family feud + zombies + intersex rep + nonbinary author
  3. The Girl and the Ghost by Hanna Alkaf (August 4) – Dark spirit + power of friendship + Malaysian folk tale + #ownvoices for Malaysian rep
  4. What If a Fish by Anika Fajardo (Aug. 11) – Summer in Colombia + meet half-brother + magical realism + #ownvoices for Colombian-American rep
  5. Elatsoe by Darcie Little Badger (Aug. 25) – Alternate America + raise ghosts of dead animals + murder mystery + #ownvoices for ace and Lipan Apache rep
  6. The Barren Grounds by David A. Robertson (Sept. 8) – Portal fantasy + quest to save starving community + Indigenous stories of the sky and constellations + #ownvoices for Indigenous rep (Robertson is Swampy Cree)
  7. Hide and Seeker by Daka Hermon (Sept. 15) – Horror hide and seek + #ownvoices for Black rep
  8. Over the Woodward Wall by A. Deborah Baker (Oct. 6) – Middlegame universe + portal fantasy
  9. Beyond the Ruby Veil by Mara Fitzgerald (Oct. 13) – Fantasy + scheming socialite + water from blood + gay protagonist
  10. Ana on the Edge by A.J. Sass (Oct. 20) – Competitive figure skating + exploring gender identity + #ownvoices for nonbinary rep

What upcoming 2020 releases are you looking forward to?

Jenna's signature

My First Robin Hood Retelling [Review]

26 June 2020 / review / 10 Comments
My First Robin Hood Retelling [Review]

Robin is an apprentice forester in the woods of Nottingham. The arrows he makes and sells earn barely enough extra coin to retain the title to his father’s small lands. The sheriff of Nottingham’s jealousy toward Robin’s father is just as fierce towards his son, and the sheriff’s men take every opportunity to harass the young woodsman. But when Robin defends himself by accidentally killing one of the sheriff’s men, […]

Top 10 Tuesday Turns 10: Re-evaluating My First TTT

23 June 2020 / top 10 tuesday / 10 Comments
Top 10 Tuesday Turns 10: Re-evaluating My First TTT

I participated in my first Top 10 Tuesday (embedded above) on 19 January 2016. TTT had already been running for years by then. :O Is there anything else in book blogging that’s ten years old?? Lots of thanks to the former team at The Broke and the Bookish for starting TTT and Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl for keeping it going. To celebrate, we’re looking back at the first […]

Dominican Spirits and Caribbean Jumbies: A Dual Review [MG Review]

7 June 2020 / brief reviews / 4 Comments
Dominican Spirits and Caribbean Jumbies: A Dual Review [MG Review]

Ghost Squad by Claribel A. Ortega 🍂 Interview @ Spooky Middle Grade 🍂 Review by Alicia @ A Kernel of Nonsense 🍂 Review by Cande @ Latinx Book Magic 📝 Plot summary: 12 year old Lucely lives with her papi Simon, who runs ghost tours in St. Augustine, Florida. Lucely can see the ghosts of her family. These ghosts live with her and Simon and take the form of firefly spirits (cocuyos, based on […]

18 Middle Grade Speculative Fiction Books by Black Authors [List]

5 June 2020 / list / 16 Comments
18 Middle Grade Speculative Fiction Books by Black Authors [List]

I originally wasn’t sure if I was going to create a booklist, because many people have already compiled more extensive lists. But I think I can play a small part in boosting Black authors by sharing my knowledge of middle grade speculative fiction. Because I’m highlighting what I know here, this isn’t the most comprehensive list. I’ve linked lists that offer more middle grade recs, as well as books for […]