Part 1 (Tolkien) | Part 2 (New bookcases) | Part 3 (Arctic exploration, Japanese religion, assorted adult fiction and non-fiction, and a few MG faves) | Part 4 (remaining adult fiction and non-fiction, fairy tales, favourite YA and adult authors) | Part 5 (middle grade and young adult fiction)
On January 23, I posted part one of a tour of all the books on my shelves. I had packed everything up and moved all my books into storage in December. My plan was to give an overview of what my book collection had looked like for the past four years or so, before I moved into a new place. The last tour I had done was also before a big move, back in August 2017. When I started this tour in January, I wasn’t sure when I’d be bringing the books out of storage.
But now I have rescued my books from storage, bought two new IKEA bookshelves (not Billy! :O), and carefully reorganized everything. In the past my books were scattered across one Billy bookcase and some shelves above my desk. The desk has been donated and all my books have been consolidated into two IDANÄS bookcases. So before I continue with the in depth, book by book tour, I’d like to share some before and after photos of how I roganized everything!


I overestimated how much space the books would take. I thought two bookcases would give me some free space and room to grow. Not so much! I could really use a third bookcase… But I made some concessions, split up some thematic groups, and created strategic gaps to allow for growth. I should be able to go another two or three years before these cases are truly stuffed.
Luckily I started the tour back in January with my two shelves of Tolkien books. Those are largely the same (see photo below), so I will continue this tour next week with the two or three shelves below there. Time to go make new banners…