Category: discussion

Blogging Discussion: How I Write a Review

15 March 2015 / discussion, thoughts / 16 Comments

Last month, I wrote about the difference between writing positive and negatives review. This month I’d like to talk about how I write a review. I think this might be an informal feature going forward – these discussion posts about blogging. As I delve deeper into book blogging, I’d like to get a bit meta and chat about subjects particular to book blogging. Onto this month’s topic! *** As I […]

Blogging Discussion: Writing Positive vs. Negative Reviews

12 February 2015 / discussion, thoughts / 6 Comments

Here’s a topic that’s been simmering in my mind since October. I started to contemplate this after posting reviews of Mr. Penumbra’s 24-Hour Bookstore and The Haunting of Hill House. One book I loved and one book I did not love. My personal opinion aside, the two reviews are vastly different in terms of writing style. You might think two different people wrote those reviews! One review I am proud […]