Category: events

Armchair BEA: Wrap-up (incl. Giveaway Winner)

1 June 2014 / events / 2 Comments
Armchair BEA: Wrap-up (incl. Giveaway Winner)

Here we are at the end of ArmchairBEA. This week went by in a whirlwind. I hadn’t decided to participate until last Saturday, just before the week kicked off. I don’t want to get caught in too many blogger events, but since I haven’t participated in any events focused primarily on connecting with the community I thought this would be a good event for me. I was correct! I have […]

Armchair BEA: Middle Grade

31 May 2014 / events / 4 Comments
Armchair BEA: Middle Grade

I almost didn’t have time to write this post, since I had an essay due to today, but I’m squeezing it in! I’d like to share some of my favourite books I discovered when I was in grade five, books that I still love rereading today. I wonder today if children still read these? They are classics to me. All of these books I first saw in the Scholastic Book […]

Armchair BEA: Giveaways

Armchair BEA: Giveaways

I’m very excited for today’s theme. I haven’t hosted a giveaway before (therefore please forgive any faux pas I may commit!) and I think this is a great opportunity to do so. Please visit ArmchairBEA to see other giveaways being hosted today. I finish my university degree at the end of June. Over the past four years, I’ve acquired many interesting books for courses that I wouldn’t have read otherwise. […]

Armchair BEA: Novellas/Short Stories

28 May 2014 / events / 21 Comments
Armchair BEA:  Novellas/Short Stories

Novellas Now that I own an iPad, I’ve been paying more attention to novellas. I like the idea of spending a dollar to easily pick up a quick read by a beloved author. A few weeks ago I reviewed three novellas by some of my favourite authors (Catherynne M. Valente, Rhiannon Paille, and Neal Shusterman) that filled in gaps in their series. I think this is a great use of […]

Armchair BEA: Author Interaction

Armchair BEA: Author Interaction

I have been to a handful of author readings. The two that stand out were both hosted by our only independent bookstore. In 2009, Neil Gaiman invited independent bookstores to host Graveyard Book-themed parties. The winning store would host a signing and reading. I remember the day he announced the winners, he blogged about asking his publishers if he could pick two winners, and they let him. The first store […]