Category: literary pilgrimage

Literary Pilgrimages: Visiting Middle-Earth (Part 1)

11 August 2016 / literary pilgrimage / 6 Comments
Literary Pilgrimages: Visiting Middle-Earth (Part 1)

 Earlier this year, I spent three months travelling around New Zealand. My primary reason for doing so? Exploring locations starring as Middle-earth in Peter Jackson’s films, of course! Come along as I revisit what will likely remain my most extensive ‘literary’ pilgrimage’.  Welcome to the first in a four post series about my Middle-Earth related expeditions around New Zealand. Although these locations all stem from the films, I consider this […]

Response: Literary Pilgrimages

Response: Literary Pilgrimages

A few weeks ago, James of James Reads Books posted a Sunday Salon about literary pilgrimages. James defines literary pilgrimage as a “trip taken specifically for book related reasons” that “involves staying away from home at least one night”. I left a comment about my own journeys, but I’d like to share more here. New York City In May 2012 I took a short trip with my aunt and uncle […]