Category: meme

Family Reads: The Wake by Scott Snyder and Sean Murphy

1 October 2015 / family reads, meme / 0 Comments
Family Reads: The Wake by Scott Snyder and Sean Murphy

 Welcome to September’s Family Reads! Family Reads is a monthly feature where my mom, dad or sister and I read and discuss a book. Posts with a link-up go live around the last Sunday of each month, so feel free to grab the banner and join in however you like. Reno: Reunited! This month, my sister and I conducted the first side-by-side Family Reads. We’re shaking things up with a […]

Family Reads: And the Mountains Echoed by Khaled Hosseini

20 September 2015 / family reads, meme / 0 Comments
Family Reads: And the Mountains Echoed by Khaled Hosseini

 Welcome to Family Reads! Family Reads is a monthly feature where my mom, dad or sister and I read and discuss a book. Posts with a link-up go live during the last week of each month, so feel free to grab the banner and join in however you like. Reno: This post was meant to go up at the end of July, but evidently I didn’t finish it then…Well, here […]

Family Reads: The Sisters Brothers by Patrick DeWitt

31 May 2015 / family reads, meme / 0 Comments
Family Reads: The Sisters Brothers by Patrick DeWitt

 Welcome to Family Reads! Family Reads is a monthly feature where my mom, dad or sister and I read and discuss a book. Posts with a link-up go live on the last Sunday of each month, so feel free to grab the banner and join in however you like.   Reno: I’m back again with my Mom this month! The original plan was to discuss Annihilation with my sister, but […]

Family Reads: The Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman

28 April 2015 / family reads, meme / 9 Comments
Family Reads: The Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman

 Welcome to the inaugural post of Family Reads! Family Reads is a monthly feature where my mom, dad or sister and I read and discuss a book. Posts with a link-up go live on the last Sunday of each month, so feel free to grab the banner and join in however you like. Reno: Neil Gaiman is a favourite author of mine. Moo took me to his signing and waited […]

A Monthly Feature

29 March 2015 / family reads, meme / 11 Comments
A Monthly Feature

The other day I had a flash of inspiration for something unique I could do on my blog (this is what I alluded to at the end of my Brain on Fire review). I’ve been trying to think of something I could do for a monthly feature for ages. A few factors led to this idea: Being away from my family Mom reading books of mine while I’m away Chatting […]