Category: more books archive

Extra Books – January 9 to 16

17 January 2011 / more books archive / 0 Comments

Blindness by Jose Saramago Published: October 1997 (English) Genre: Realism Why I picked it up: Current favourite author Rating: 4 stars Challenges: Global | 100+ My Thoughts:  Still in love with Saramago’s writing style. ‘Nuff said about that. What sets this novel apart from the previous two I read by this author is that it is much darker and sinister. I was about 40 pages in when I started to […]

Extra Books – January 1 to 8

9 January 2011 / more books archive / 0 Comments

Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone by J.K. Rowling Published: 1997 Genre: Magical fantasy Why I picked it up: Figured it was time to give the series another shot Rating: 3.5 stars Challenges: 100+ | Harry Potter 2011 My Thoughts:  When I first started reading Harry Potter, there were four books out. I read each of them once (although I might have read the third one a few times…I actually […]

Wrapping Up 2010, Looking Forward 2011

Hullo! Is it the end of the year already? That was fast. Christmas came and then things were very busy for awhile and now that I have time to sit down at the computer I find 2010 is over. Well. I suppose I should tie up some loose ends now. Here’s a few things I just finished up: Finished Falling for Snow review (almost…I’m so tired, my apologies…..) Posted a […]