Category: book friday archive

China Mieville – The Scar

Posted 13 January 2013 in book friday archive /0 Comments

 Author: China Mieville
Title: The Scar
Date read: 4 January to 12 January
Published: 2002
Publisher: Del Rey
Length: 638 pages
Genre: Steampunk/pirate
Why I picked it up: Liked the ‘first’ book
Rating: 4 stars
This is the second novel written by Mievill set in the world of Bas-Leg, though it is not a sequel (though are minor references to the events of Perdido Street Station, which I read previously.) Despite the disconnect between the two novels, I have lots of thoughts in connection to Perdido. Just little things I can’t help but compare naturally… I wonder if the Ribs that I adored so much in that novel might be ribs from an avanc? I like to imagine so (although i suspect those ribs are smaller!). Again I noticed the word pusillanimous‘ Really, how many people just throw that word out in every day conversation? This time I also noticed weird and in-bred (re: animals of Armada) used quite a few times. Probably the main difference between the reading experience of Perdido Street Station and The Scar was that I didn’t have any emotional reaction to The Scar. I wasn’t expecting to, so…okay. That being said!…

There were some really fantastic scenes where I felt that drop in my stomach, I gripped the book a little tighter, and I chewed my lip in anxious anticipation. I was absolutely taken with the idea of an avanc. Mieville gives you just enough a taste of the creature to be totally fascinated. The two scenes that really got to me were when they raised the avanc and when they went down to it + what happened after.

Just noticed I’ve been writing this post backwards from how I normally would…here are some general thoughts on the book. The beginning was primarily slow build, the story doesn’t really get going until about 200 pages in. This early segment contains a lot of setting up characters and setting for the story that’s about to come, you really get this sense of ‘Okay, that’s who this person is…how they are going to mess with things later on?’. There are a good number of characters, probably slightly more than I’m used to (says the Tolkien fan…..). I wasn’t paying as much attention as I should have when they were all being introduced so I had a little trouble later on keeping track but Mieville individualizes them well. that being said, I feel that the strongest character (as was the case with Perdido) is the city. I don’t want to say too much about Armada, because that’s the best part of reading the book (in my humble opinion). Suffice to say Mieville knows how to craft a setting.

Humphrey Carpenter – The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien

5 January 2013 / book friday archive / 1 Comment
Humphrey Carpenter – The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien

  Editor: Humphrey Carpenter Title: The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien Date read: 30 December to 3 January Published: 2000 Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Length: 502 pages Genre: Non-fiction Why I picked it up: Fan of Tolkien’sRating: 5 stars Buy:  IndieBound |  Chapters | Check your local bookstore! I thought I would breeze through this book and finish it in two days maximum. Not because it would be an ‘easy’ read, but because […]

Peter S. Beagle – The Last Unicorn

1 January 2013 / book friday archive / 0 Comments
Peter S. Beagle – The Last Unicorn

  Author: Peter S. Beagle Title: The Last Unicorn Date read: 17 December to 21 December Published: 1968 Publisher: Penguin Length: 212 pages Genre: Fantasy Why I picked it up: Favourite of Neil Gaiman’s Rating: 3 stars This book started off very promising…I even made a Goodreads update around page 50 professing how charming I found the tale to be. But this eventually tapers off and we are stuck with too […]

Bruce K. Hanson – The Peter Pan Chronicles

27 December 2012 / book friday archive / 0 Comments
Bruce K. Hanson – The Peter Pan Chronicles

    Author: Bruce K. Hanson Title: The Peter Pan ChroniclesDate read: 21 December to 26 December Published: 1993Publisher: Birch Lane Press Length: 288 pages Genre: Non-fiction Why I picked it up: Interest in Peter Pan Rating: 2.5 stars Buy:  Amazon|  Chapters | Check your local bookstore!   I wasn’t going to write a ‘full’ post on this book, but once I started writing it came out longer than I expected so […]

Jose Saramago – The Double

10 December 2012 / book friday archive / 0 Comments
Jose Saramago – The Double

    *The following information applies to the English softcover edition. (the novel was originally published in Portuguese in 2002). *       Author: Jose Saramago Translator: Margaret Jull Costa Title: The Double Date read: 1 December to 7 December Published: August 2012 Publisher: Harcourt Books Length: 324 pages Genre: Magical realism Why I picked it up: Favourite author Rating: 3.5 stars ~This book was completed during the 3rd Annual Holiday […]