Armchair BEA: Introduction

Posted 26 May 2014 in events, Uncategorized /22 Comments

Welcome, Armchair BEA participants! I decided to register at the last minute. I’m looking forward to expanding my circle and connecting with more book bloggers 🙂

  1. Please tell us a little bit about yourself: Who are you? How long have you been blogging? Why did you get into blogging? Where in the world are you blogging from? 
    •  My name is Reno. I’m a Canadian in my early 20s. I’m presently finishing up a BA in English with a specialization in young people’s texts and cultures. I’m blogging from Canada now, but in a few months I will be blogging from Japan! I have been blogging in one form or another since 2006. I initially used my blog as a daily journal. I began blogging about books, music and writing under the Falling Letters name in fall 2010. I rebooted Falling Letters in April as a book blog.
  2. What genre do you read the most? 
    • Although Tolkien wrote my favourite books, my favourite genre is not fantasy but something closer to magical realism.  I like stories that have a touch of the unusual about them and are hard to classify. Think authors like Helen Oyeyemi, Jose Saramago, and Neil Gaiman.
  3. Spread the love by naming your favorite blogs/bloggers (doesn’t necessarily have to be book blogs/bloggers).  These are just a handful of the book blogs I’m enjoying at the moment!
  4. If you were stranded on a deserted island, what 3 books would you bring? Why? What 3 non-book items would you bring? Why? Assuming I’m not concerned about survival…if I could read, write and listen to music while lounging on my favourite pillow I would be a very happy person!
    • Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami – one of my favourite books, a really lovely story, I think you can find something new in it on every reading
    • The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien – possibly my all-time favourite book, I can read it back to back to back and never get tired of it
    • The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien – see above!
    • Comfy pillow
    • Notebooks, pens and pencils (I’m counting ‘writing supplies ‘as one item)
    • Solar-powered music player
  5.  What book would you love to see as a movie? 
    •  Inkdeath by Cornelia Funke. I know they’ve already made an Inkheart movie and although I was happy Brendan Fraser was cast as Mo, the movie was absolutely terrible. I think Inkdeath would make a beautiful, thrilling movie if done well.

Please link your blog in the comments so I can check it out! I’m not sure how much I’ll participate in this event here on my own blog, but I’m excited to use this opportunity to explore book blogs I might not have found otherwise.

22 responses to “Armchair BEA: Introduction

  1. One of my best friends is in Japan right now! I hope you love it when you get there!

    I was surprised to see you wanted Inkdeath as a movie when Inheart wasn't good–but then I read on and you admitted it wasn't good. Too funny!

  2. Jordin @ A Bottomless Book Bag

    Hi Reno, nice to meet you! This is my first year participating in Armchair BEA. I actually haven't read Inkdeath, but I own both Inkheart and Inkspell. I haven't picked up those books in ages, but are they worth the reread to continue/finish the trilogy?

  3. Hello Jordin, thanks for stopping by! This is my first year participating as well. I personally think they're totally worth it. I love Inkspell/Inkdeath because they're set in the inkworld. Inkdeath changes in tone but I still really enjoyed it. I think if you liked the first you'll like the rest!

  4. That's really exciting! Is your friend teaching English? (That's what I'm going to do.)

    Yes, the Inkheart movie was a great disappointment >.> If only it had been good, then maybe we would have the sequels as well!

  5. Wonderful intro! I also love books with a magical twist or literary works that cruise right on into genre.

  6. Stephanie

    Apparently I like books that can be hard to classify. I often have a problem figuring out where to file my reviews. I am having that problem with the book I am about to finish now. It is YA, but what genre exactly, I will have to guess.
    It is a pleasure meeting you this week.
    -Flirting with Fiction

  7. I just recently decided to add genre tags to my reviews and I'm having the same problem. I like to be precise but then I might end up describing every single book as having its own created 'genre'… Thanks for visiting my blog!

  8. Wow, very jealous and excited for your move to Japan! I just read my first Neil Gaiman book recently and while I enjoyed it, I think I need to read more of his books to get the hand of his writing. Hope you enjoy the rest of ABEA!

  9. Thank-you! Yes, I encourage you to read more Gaiman if you've only read one book.They can be very different. Which book did you read?

  10. Wow, very jealous and excited for your move to Japan! I just read my first Neil Gaiman book recently and while I enjoyed it, I think I need to read more of his books to get the hand of his writing. Hope you enjoy the rest of ABEA!

  11. Thank-you! Yes, I encourage you to read more Gaiman if you&#39ve only read one book.They can be very different. Which book did you read?

  12. Hello Jordin, thanks for stopping by! This is my first year participating as well. I personally think they&#39re totally worth it. I love Inkspell/Inkdeath because they&#39re set in the inkworld. Inkdeath changes in tone but I still really enjoyed it. I think if you liked the first you&#39ll like the rest!

  13. Jordin @ A Bottomless Book Bag

    Hi Reno, nice to meet you! This is my first year participating in Armchair BEA. I actually haven&#39t read Inkdeath, but I own both Inkheart and Inkspell. I haven&#39t picked up those books in ages, but are they worth the reread to continue/finish the trilogy?

  14. One of my best friends is in Japan right now! I hope you love it when you get there!I was surprised to see you wanted Inkdeath as a movie when Inheart wasn&#39t good–but then I read on and you admitted it wasn&#39t good. Too funny!

  15. I just recently decided to add genre tags to my reviews and I&#39m having the same problem. I like to be precise but then I might end up describing every single book as having its own created &#39genre&#39… Thanks for visiting my blog!

  16. That&#39s really exciting! Is your friend teaching English? (That&#39s what I&#39m going to do.) Yes, the Inkheart movie was a great disappointment >.> If only it had been good, then maybe we would have the sequels as well!

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