Month: July 2014

Quick Review: Non-fiction

15 July 2014 / brief reviews / 3 Comments
Quick Review: Non-fiction

Today’s quick review is of two non-fiction books I recently picked up from the library. Floating City: A Rogue Sociologist Lost and Found in New York’s Underground Economy by Sudhir Venkatesh Rating: ★★★½ [ratings guide]  Venkatesh focuses his exploration on the sex trade in NYC and the connections formed in an underground economy, crossing dividing lines such as class and race. I liked the informal tone and the variety of […]

Summer Library Challenge: Library Storytime

14 July 2014 / events / 2 Comments
Summer Library Challenge: Library Storytime

 This week’s challenge: “I wanted to share some stories about my library experiences and I’d like for you to do so as well.” This post is a little bit as I didn’t finish it up before I went to the lake this weekend. I wasn’t sure what to write about, but over the weekend I remembered an assignment I had in my first year of university. I wrote a short […]

Review: Light of the Andes by J.E. Williams

9 July 2014 / review / 0 Comments
Review: Light of the Andes by J.E. Williams

Author: J.E. WilliamsTitle: Light of the AndesFormat/Source: eBook/ARCPublished: June 2012 (new edition released June 2014, I think)Publisher: Irie BooksLength: 200 pagesGenre: Spiritual non-fictionWhy I Read: Browsing ‘religion and spirituality’ on NetGalley; mountain caught my eyeRead If You’re: A mountain lover or interested in Indigenous spirituality, esp. of Peru’s Q’ero people Rating:  ★★★★ [ratings guide]I received a complimentary copy from the publisher through NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.Links: GoodReads […]

Summer Library Challenge: Book Haul #2 and Goals Check-in

6 July 2014 / to be read / 2 Comments
Summer Library Challenge: Book Haul #2 and Goals Check-in

In my first library book haul post, I picked up five books. I dropped three of them, but The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavender was a five star read and I’m greatly enjoying Buddhism Plain & Simple so far. I had two more holds come shortly after that post – All the Birds, Singing and I Forgot to Remember. I read both and posted a few thoughts here. […]

Quick Review: Ambivalent

5 July 2014 / brief reviews / 5 Comments
Quick Review: Ambivalent

 These reviews are part of the Summer Library Challenge Week 6 Activity – Reviewing Library Books. These books I read all the way through, but I’m not sure how I feel about them. Because of that, these books are difficult to review. I still wanted to document my thoughts so here are a few odd notes on each. All the Birds, Singing by Evie Wyld Rating: ★★-★★★½?  [ratings guide]  I […]