Month: May 2015

Quick Review: Tuesdays at the Castle and The Night Gardener

24 May 2015 / brief reviews / 0 Comments
Quick Review: Tuesdays at the Castle and The Night Gardener

Here are two middle grade novels with fantasy elements.  Tuesdays at the Castle by Jessica Day George Series: Castle Glower #1 Rating: ★★★★ [ratings guide] I devoured this book during April’s 24 Hour Read-a-thon. I think it’s a very fun, if not super deep, read. The castle intrigue and politics aren’t the most original, but they suit the story and are a lot of fun to read with the castle […]

Review: Salt & Storm by Kendall Kulper

17 May 2015 / review / 0 Comments
Review: Salt & Storm by Kendall Kulper

Author: Kendall KulperTitle:Salt & StormFormat/Source: eBook/LibraryPublished: September 2014Publisher: Little, BrownLength: 416 pagesGenre: Young adult fantasyWhy I Read: Sounded intriguingRead If You’re: Hankering for a historical, magical tale set by the sea and aren’t too critical of undeveloped romanceRating:  ★★★ [ratings guide] Links: GoodReads | IndieBound | Chapters | Amazon Look at that deep dark purple!! (Well, maybe it’s blue…but I’m sticking with purple.) Unusually, I can’t remember how I came across this […]

Quick Revew: Emancipation Day and The War That Saved My Life

6 May 2015 / brief reviews / 2 Comments
Quick Revew: Emancipation Day and The War That Saved My Life

Both of these books take place during World War II. Emancipation Day by Wayne Grady Rating: ★★½ [ratings guide] This is only the second book I’ve read that uses passing to explore racial identity and prejudice. Boy, Snow, Bird introduced me to the concept, of which I was previously ignorant.  I liked the setting and the incorporation of historical events. I especially liked that part of the story is set […]

Review: Quick and Easy Thai by Nancie McDermott

3 May 2015 / review / 2 Comments
Review: Quick and Easy Thai by Nancie McDermott

Author: Nanci McDermottTitle: Quick and Easy ThaiFormat/Source: eBook/KindlePublished: December 2003Publisher: Chronicle BooksLength: 168 pagesGenre: CookbookWhy I Read: Want to learn about cooking Thai food Read If You: Want to learn about cooking Thai food 😉 Rating:  ★★★★ [ratings guide] Links: GoodReads | IndieBound | Chapters | Amazon Whoo, my first cookbook review! It’s been awhile since I read one straight through. The last time must have been in high school, when we were […]