Month: October 2015

Reread Review: Inkheart by Cornelia Funke

4 October 2015 / review / 1 Comment
Reread Review: Inkheart by Cornelia Funke

Author: Cornelia FunkeTitle: InkheartSeries: Inkheart #1 Format/Source: eBook/Library (oh how I missed my hardcover!)Published: 2003Publisher: Chicken HouseLength: 534 pagesGenre: Fantasy Read If You: Love reading, like the premise/don’t mind reading to get to the next two booksRating:  ★★★★½ Links: GoodReads | IndieBound | Chapters | AmazonSixth book for the Reread Challenge WHEN I First Read – I remember being in grade five…I must have read it not long after it was released, in […]

NerdCon: Stories

1 October 2015 / events / 0 Comments
NerdCon: Stories

NerdCon is here to celebrate the enthusiasm of the Nerd! We want to capture some of the most important and exciting cultural institutions in physical spaces. We started on this goal in 2010 when we launched VidCon, but it just wasn’t enough for us. Now, NerdCons celebrating all sorts of important, fascinating, and vital things will arise. We are starting with NerdCon: Stories. Next week I’m heading to Minneapolis to […]

Family Reads: The Wake by Scott Snyder and Sean Murphy

1 October 2015 / family reads, meme / 0 Comments
Family Reads: The Wake by Scott Snyder and Sean Murphy

 Welcome to September’s Family Reads! Family Reads is a monthly feature where my mom, dad or sister and I read and discuss a book. Posts with a link-up go live around the last Sunday of each month, so feel free to grab the banner and join in however you like. Reno: Reunited! This month, my sister and I conducted the first side-by-side Family Reads. We’re shaking things up with a […]