Month: January 2016

Some Books I Own But Haven’t Read

13 January 2016 / to be read / 0 Comments
Some Books I Own But Haven’t Read

I don’t own a lot amount of books. A rough estimate puts the total shy of 300 (a lot being totally subjective, of course…). I give careful consideration to each book I purchase. I don’t usually buy a book without having read it first, exceptions being for authors I already admire. Most of these purchases come when long-held notions of “Hey, I thought I might read that someday!” or “Haven’t […]

Brief Thoughts: The Karluk’s Last Voyage by Robert A. Bartlett

9 January 2016 / brief reviews / 2 Comments
Brief Thoughts: The Karluk’s Last Voyage by Robert A. Bartlett

GoodReads | IndieBound | Chapters | Amazon ★★★½ Call it love of adventure if you will; it seems to me the life that ought to appeal to any man with red blood in his veins, for as long as there is a square mile of the old earth’s surface that is unexplored, man will want to seek out that spot and find out all about ti and bring back word […]

Review: The Evolution of Alice by David A. Robertson

6 January 2016 / review / 3 Comments
Review: The Evolution of Alice by David A. Robertson

Author: David A. Robertson Title: The Evolution of Alice Format/Source: Paperback/library  Published: 2014 Publisher: Highwater Press Length: 203 pages Genre: Indigenous fiction Why I Read: Library browsing Read If You: Like sombre, character-driven stories  Quote: “Sometimes pain needed a quiet place to be, to spread out and get less sharp, I guess.” (25) Rating:★★★★ Links: GoodReads | Chapters | Amazon  This haunting, emotionally resonant story delivers us into the world […]

Bout of Books 15 Master Post

5 January 2016 / Uncategorized / 0 Comments
Bout of Books 15 Master Post

The Bout of Books read-a-thon is organized by Amanda @ On a Book Bender and Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal. It is a week long read-a-thon that begins 12:01AM Monday, January 4th and runs through Sunday, January 10th in whatever time zone you are in. Bout of Books is low-pressure. There are challenges, giveaways, and a grand prize, but all of these are completely optional. For all Bout of Books 15 […]

Jumping Into January (Library Book Haul)

1 January 2016 / to be read / 1 Comment
Jumping Into January (Library Book Haul)

I visited the library on December 28. I snuggled into an armchair and pulled out my iPad I opened the Goodreads and library apps. I was cross-referencing my 2016-maybes shelf with the library’s available books and ebooks (if I can borrow a book as an ebook, I save it for when I’m travelling). I drew up a list, then headed out into the stacks. I enjoy browsing books on GoodReads, […]