Today I’m participating in Jillian @ Rant and Rave About Books’ ‘Book Blogger Blind Date’. Jillian paired up book bloggers to interview each and publish matching posts. I’ve never interviewed anyone on my blog (or been interviewed), so I thought this sounded like a fun way to meet a new blogger. I interviewed Savannah from The Book Prophet (the questions below are mine; the answers are hers). Check out her post to read my responses to her questions! We each chose five questions and five would-you-rathers to ask.
Do you mark up your own books? I wouldn’t dream of it! I’ve dog-eared a page maybe once in my life, and that was because I was really desperate, and I have NEVER left a mark on any of my books…. Well actually that’s not true. A while ago when I was younger I used to sign the inside cover of my books and wrote my phone number on it so that if I lost them, the finder could contact me.
How do you choose your next book to read? This is a long and complicated process for me… I have to go through every single possibility in my mind before picking a book. I need to evaluate all of the good and bad qualities about the book (ie: blurb, cover, length, etc.). I basically need to dissect it and figure out the rating on Goodreads and EVERYTHING before even considering it as an option. It’s stressful and complicated, but I wouldn’t have it any other way, because this annoying, stressful process is how I end up reading the perfect book at the perfect time.
Where is your favourite place to read? / What is your ideal reading nook? My favorite place to read would probably have to be outside or in my bed. I read in my bed most of the time, but there isn’t great lighting and I don’t have good pillows. I need one of those pillows that stand up by their selves and have those arms on them. But my dream nook would be this (photo on right). Because there is perfect lighting, it’s cozy, and I am literally surrounded by books.
Do you prefer to purchase new or used books? I prefer used books, but I always love to go to a thrift store or used book store and go through stacks and stacks of books, because then I can find books with obvious history in them and it improves the entire reading experience for me, even if they’re not in the best of shape. Plus, they’re much cheaper. I once went to a thrift store and there were two rooms filled with books and I got around 8 books for around $4. It was probably the best book shopping trip I’ve ever been on.
Have your reading habits changed since you were a child? Well, I wasn’t really that much of an avid reader as a child. I read more than other kids, but it’s not like I was begging my parents for books, like I do now. I didn’t even complete the Harry Potter novels until just a few years ago. My reading habits have changed because I obviously read more grown-up books and have strayed from Junie B Jones and Judy Moody, but I still love child books such as Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, and Goddess Girls. If you haven’t heard of Goddess Girls, you should try them! Seriously, they’re awesome considering they’re written for 10-year olds.
Would you rather…
- …visit Hogwarts or Rivendell? Well Hogwarts is a single location, yet Rivendell is more like a country or state. I would say Rivendell only because it’s so mystical and it’s just really beautiful. Hogwarts is a castle and they have rolling hills and the forbidden forest and all that good stuff, but Rivendell is my pick.
- …be a librarian or a bookseller? This is hard… If I were to make a living, bookseller. Bookstore owner, more like it. My dream is to actually own a bookstore of my own.
- …have written Game of Thrones or The Mortal Instruments? GoT is a much bigger accomplishment than TMI, in my opinion. George R. R. Martin created his own world and it’s so complex and diverse and unique. GoT by a long-shot. But if I was tasked to actually write one of them… I would take the easy way out and do TMI.
- …have an extra hour in the day to read or have extra pocket money for books? Extra hour in the day to read. I mean, if I stopped watching Netflix (which isn’t happening anytime soon), then I would have 1-2 hours a day more to read. I should read more than I watch television, but at this point in time, Netflix is my bestie. Don’t worry, books, you already have 3/4 of my heart.
- …read a prequel or a sequel to your favourite standalone book? Hmm… This is difficult. I would say sequel. It would be amazing to get a sequel to The Night Circus and Eleanor & Park.
Thanks to Savannah for answering my questions. What would you answer to some of these questions?
[…] Hello everybody! I got an amazing chance to participate in this book blogger blind date thing that Jill from Rant and Rave About Books created. She paired two bloggers together to interview each other, and I got paired with Reno from Falling Letters. I had such a good time getting to know more about Reno and her blog is absolutely wonderful! You guys should definitely check it out. If you would like to check out the interview she did with me, click here. […]