Month: December 2016

Literary Pilgrimage: Visiting Middle-Earth (Part 4)

16 December 2016 / literary pilgrimage / 2 Comments
Literary Pilgrimage: Visiting Middle-Earth (Part 4)

Earlier this year, I spent three months travelling around New Zealand. My primary reason for doing so? Exploring locations in featured in The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit, of course! Come along as I revisit what will likely remain my most extensive ‘literary pilgrimage’. Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 Wellington and Surrounding Area Wellington, New Zealand’s capital and hub of the film industry, is home […]

7 Books to Look Forward To in 2017

13 December 2016 / meme, to be read / 7 Comments
7 Books to Look Forward To in 2017

The prompt for this week’s Top Ten Tuesday is “books I’m looking forward to in the first half of 2017.” I don’t go searching for books that haven’t yet been released. My TBR is long enough as it! A book usually makes it onto my list if it’s received positive buzz from a blogger whose tastes match mine, or if it’s an upcoming release from a favourite author. Turns out […]

Review: The Witches of New York by Ami McKay

10 December 2016 / review / 2 Comments
Review: The Witches of New York by Ami McKay

Author: Ami McKay Title: The Witches of New York Format/Source: ebook/Netgalley (hardcover since purchased) Published: 25 October 2016 Publisher: Knopf Length: 504 pages Genre: Magical realism/historical fiction Why I Read: Browsing NetGalley, cover caught my eye Rating: ★★★★½ GoodReads | Indigo | The Book Depository   I received a copy from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for my honest review. Is there a better feeling than when you accurately judge […]