Month: March 2017

Review: The Girl Who Beat ISIS by Farida Khalaf

8 March 2017 / review / 0 Comments
Review: The Girl Who Beat ISIS by Farida Khalaf

Author: Farida Khalaf with Andrea C. Hoffman (trans. from German by Jamie Bulloch) Title: The Girl Who Beat ISIS (The Girl Who Escaped ISIS in the US) Format/Source: Paperback/Library Published: July 2016 Publisher: Square Peg Length: 204 pages Genre: Memoir Why I Read: Spotted in ‘new and noted’ at the library Rating: ★★★★ GoodReads | Indigo | Book Depository I read The Girl Who Beat ISIS in one sitting. Farida Khalaf (not her real name, nor is she the […]

Cybils Nominees – Some Personal Favourites

6 March 2017 / brief reviews / 1 Comment
Cybils Nominees – Some Personal Favourites

From October to December of last year, I read just over 50 middle-grade fiction books in my role as a round one judge for the Cybils. To share some of the Cybils nominees I’ve read, I’ve decided to create a few lists grouping books by similar characteristics. All of the books meet the Cybils nominating criteria, which means they were published in English in Canada or the US between 16 […]

February Month in Review

4 March 2017 / month in review / 19 Comments
February Month in Review

This post is linked up at the Monthly Round-Up Wrap-Up @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction. February posed a challenge when it came to staying on top of reading and blogging. I was travelling and offline for seven days of that short month. Plus, I found myself a full time job! 🙂 I am now working as an educational assistant in my local school division. Even with all the distractions, my […]

Review: Shadowshaper by Daniel José Older

2 March 2017 / review / 2 Comments
Review: Shadowshaper by Daniel José Older

Author: Daniel José Older Title: Shadowshaper (Book 1) Format/Source: Hardcover/Library Published: June 2015 Publisher: Arthur A. Levine Length: 297 pages Genre: YA urban fantasy Why I Read: Heard DJO reading Rating: ★★★★ GoodReads | Indigo | Indiebound | Book Depository I don’t read urban fantasy. That was my main reason for not checking out Shadowshaper. I could see why people would like it, but despite the awesome cover and the positive reviews, the premise didn’t catch my interested. Then […]