For the sake of variety, I’m not including any titles that are covered by my challenges, so you won’t find any Tolkien or middle grade on this list.

- The Astonishing Color of After by Emily X.R. Pan (young adult magical realism) – After seeing this on so many people’s ‘best reads of 2018’, I decided to prioritize it this year. Highly recommended by Nandini @ Unputdownable Books and Destiny @ Howling Libraries.
- A Guide to Being Born by Ramona Ausubel (fantastic short fiction) – I want to read more weird short fiction! Highly recommended by Hannah @ I Have Thoughts on Books.
- The Travelling Cat Chronicles by Hiro Arikawa (contemporary fiction) – It’s been awhile since I read Japanese fiction of this sort. Highly recommended by Neha @ BiblioNyan.
- Starlight by Richard Wagamese (literary fiction) – Wagamese’s final, unfinished novel is a follow-up to Medicine Walk.
- The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzie Lee (young adult historical fiction) – This book was on my TBR before it was released; I think it will be two years old by the time I finally get to it…
- Karluk by William Laird McKinlay (adventure memoir) – I have a mild obsession with the Karluk disaster, which I should blog about one day. I was excited to find this book at a used bookshop in Victoria last year.
- The Surface Breaks by Louis O’Neill (young adult retelling) – I tried a different Little Mermaid retelling last year and didn’t enjoy it, so I hope this one suits me better!
- A History of Children’s Books in 100 Books by Roderick Cave and Sara Ayad (non-fiction) – I received this beautiful (large) book as a Christmas gift. Since I went through the trouble of packing it back to Vancouver, I should definitely read it soon!
- The Sisters of the Winter Wood by Rena Rossner (young adult fantasy) – I did have this out from the library at one point last year but didn’t have time to read it.
- I’d Rather be Reading by Anne Bogel (non-fiction reflections) – Another non-fiction book of the type that I haven’t read in a long time.
What are some books from your 2018 TBR that you want to tackle this year? Leave a link to your TTT post in the comments!

I’ve been meaning to add some of last years TBR books back into my reading list for this year. Just have to go through it and pick out the books.
It’s a good strategy!
The Travelling Cat Chronicles is the best book I’ve ever read in my life; 10,000 some books and that one is in my number one. It is so exceptional and I hope you like it. It is super emotional though.
Wow, that really is some high praise! I’m excited to give it a go 🙂
I really want to read The Book Thief this year.
Ooh, that’s a good one to prioritize. I know a lot of people adore that book. I haven’t read it either, though!