Month: March 2019

25 KidLit Annotations: Middle Grade Novels

9 March 2019 / review / 4 Comments
25 KidLit Annotations: Middle Grade Novels

One of the assignments for my children’s literature course last term was to write 25 annotations (snapshot reviews between 50 and 150 words) on all sorts of kidlit. It was a great opportunity to delve out of my comfort zone of MG spec fic 😉 Today’s post, featuring middle grade novels, is the sixth in a series where I share those annotations by type (some of these titles I previously […]

Reflecting on the Unique Experience that is Reading an Oyeyemi Novel [Review]

6 March 2019 / review / 2 Comments
Reflecting on the Unique Experience that is Reading an Oyeyemi Novel [Review]

Format/source: ARC/NetgalleyPublished: 5 March 2019 Publisher: Hamish HamiltonLength: 272 pages Genre: Literary fiction ★★★★   Perdita Lee may appear your average British schoolgirl; Harriet Lee may seem just a working mother trying to penetrate the school social hierarchy; but there are signs that they might not be as normal as they think they are. For one thing, they share a gold-painted, seventh-floor walk-up apartment with some surprisingly verbal vegetation. And then […]

February 2019 Month in Review

3 March 2019 / month in review / 3 Comments
February 2019 Month in Review

Books read and reviewed in February, as well forthcoming March releases to look forward to