“I Can’t Believe I Haven’t Read That Yet” makes its 2020 debut with a twist. Thanks to self-isolation and the closure of my public library, I chose a theme that lets you vote on books I already have here at home. I spent some time gazing at my bookcase. I noted titles that made me think “I can’t believe I haven’t reread that yet!” Then I looked them up on Goodreads to see when I first read them. In something of a risky move, I linked to all of my original reviews for these books. (The most recent of the four reviews I wrote five years ago!)
April’s Selection
- A Tale for the Time Being by Ruth Ozeki – First read June 2014. Contemporary with splash of magical realism , dual narrative (set in British Columbia and Japan).
- Burial Rites by Hannah Kent – First read October 2014. Historical fiction, last woman to be executed in Iceland.
- Challenger Deep by Neal Shusterman – First read April 2015. Contemporary young adult, a first person look into mental illness.
- In the Night Garden by Catherynne M. Valente – First read January 2012. Fantasy, interwoven short stories a la One Thousand and One Nights.
Which book should I read in April? Vote on the poll below or by leaving a comment on this post. (I can’t tell who voted on Twitter, so if you’re really keen you can vote in the comments AND on Twitter ;P) Voting closes on 3 April. Voting has closed.

A Tale for the Time Being is fresh and surprising and clever. Burial Rites is dark and mysterious and secretive.
I haven’t read the other two. I’d vote for Tale for the Time Being.
Thanks for your vote!
Oh gosh, I’ve not read any of these, but Burial Rites and A Tale for the Time Being have been on my TBR for so long.
Both of them are excellent reads, so I hope you can enjoy them some day! I will be re-reading A Tale for the Time Being.