Month: September 2020

“I Can’t Believe I Haven’t Read That Yet” #13 (Help Me Choose!)

“I Can’t Believe I Haven’t Read That Yet” #13 (Help Me Choose!)

Help me choose which spooky middle grade book to read next!

End of Hiatus – July and August 2020 Month in Review

9 September 2020 / month in review / 14 Comments
End of Hiatus – July and August 2020 Month in Review

A recap of what I was up to in July and August (including books read and posts written), as well as the new releases on my radar for September

The Barren Grounds: A Much Anticipated #ownvoices Portal Fantasy [MG Review]

4 September 2020 / review / 10 Comments
The Barren Grounds: A Much Anticipated #ownvoices Portal Fantasy [MG Review]

Morgan and Eli, two Indigenous children forced away from their families and communities, are brought together in a foster home in Winnipeg, Manitoba. They each feel disconnected, from their culture and each other, and struggle to fit in at school and at their new home — until they find a secret place, walled off in an unfinished attic bedroom. A portal opens to another reality, Askî, bringing them onto frozen, […]