15 Middle Grade Releases from 2020 Still on my TBR

Posted 6 December 2020 in list, to be read /11 Comments

I had scheduled this post last week as a TTT, but that didn’t work out. Here it is now! Last month I highlighted the best 2020 middle grade releases that I had read this year. I also wanted to highlight some titles that I’m still excited to read some day. I read an unprecedented amount of new releases this year (around 30? Though not all were MG), but there will always be more books released than one get to in a lifetime, yet alone a year. So here’s a little shout out to these titles that I’ve heard lots of good things about. Links to Goodreads.

  1. A Game of Fox and Squirrels by Jenn Reese
  2. When You Know What I Know by Sonja K. Solter
  3. Show Me a Sign by Ann Clare LeZotte
  4. Any Day with You by Mae Respicio
  5. The Dream Weaver by Reina Luz Alegre
  6. On These Magic Shores by Yamile Saied Mendez
  7. Eva Evergreen, Semi-magical Witch by Julie Abe
  8. Cattywampus by Ash Van Otterloo
  9. A Place at the Table by Saadia Faruqi
  10. Whispering Pines by Heidi Lang
  11. Three Keys by Kelly Yang
  12. The Haunting of Aveline Jones by Phil Hickes
  13. Pepper’s Rules for Secret Sleuthing by Briana McDonald
  14. When Life Gives You Mangos by Kereen Getten
  15. Ana on the Edge by A.J. Sass

What 2020 titles are you still looking forward to?

Jenna's signature

11 responses to “15 Middle Grade Releases from 2020 Still on my TBR

  1. There are so many cute covers here that I’ve got to check out! I’ve been eyeing Pepper’s Rules to Secret Sleuthing for a while now, and since it keeps showing up in different places, I might just have to buy it soon!

  2. Duftapotheke 4. It is a german mg series that hasn’t been translated to English but has been to Dutch. I own it but haven’t read it yet. Currently reading pages and co 3 so hopefully that will be good 😀

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