Thanks to Jess @ Jessticulates for tagging me. I first saw the Anti-TBR Tag over at Bec & Books. I was debating completing it myself, as I don’t think I’ve ever written a post on this topic. Then I saw Jess tagged me, so that made it an easy decision. 👍🏻 Tag originally created by booktuber Nicole & Her Books.
I added this post to my schedule a week ago but it hits a bit differently after all the chatter online about ‘worst of the year’ lists, haha… You’ll find I don’t have anything particularly negative to say about the books in my answers. After all, I haven’t read them! They just don’t catch my interest.
The Anti-TBR Tag
A popular book EVERYONE loves that you have no interest in reading?

The Lightning Thief. This goes for most Riordan/Riordan Presents titles. I’m glad to be aware of these books and recommend them to young readers who will love them, but that style of action/adventure story just isn’t my thing.
A classic book/author you don’t have an interest in reading?

Pride and Prejudice, or Jane Austen in general. I did watch all of The Lizzie Bennet Diaries back in the day… that’s enough Austen for me.
An author whose books you have no interest in reading?

Leigh Bardugo comes to mind. Again, nothing against her works… just not interested. 🤷🏻♀️
An author you have read a couple of books from and have decided their books are not for you?

V.E. Schwab. The premise of her books generally appeal to me, but I’ve found the ones I’ve read (Shades of Magic, This Savage Song, City of Bones) to be ultimately underwhelming. You can read about my frustration with the Shades of Magic trilogy here (spoilers abound!).
A genre you have no interest in OR a genre you tried to get into and couldn’t?

Romance. I get frumpy when romance plays more than a minor role in my fantasy. I have no interest in reading a genre dedicated to it. (For this cover, I picked one of the 2020 Goodreads Award romance finalists.)
A book you have bought but will never read?

Hm, well, I bought A Gentle Madness: Bibliophiles, Bibliomanes, and the Eternal Passion for Books a few years ago at a used book shop and just tried reading it earlier this week. I gave up after about 50 pages. Back to the book exchange it shall go.
A series you have no interest in reading/DNF’d?

The Poppy War. I am sure these books are excellent and a feat by such a young writer. But such dark, epic fantasy is not for me. (…However I have heard so many good things I may still give it a go one day.)
A new release you have no interest in reading?

…Now I can’t think of a single new release that isn’t by the authors above. *scrolls Goodreads updates until I see a new release I’m not interested in* Aha! The Midnight Library by Matt Haig. I haven’ tread anything by him. I don’t know what this book is about. Maybe future reviews will change my mind. But currently, no interest.
Did any of my answers surprise you? (I don’t think I said anything surprising but what do I know…) Tagging anyone who’d like to do this!

This is an interesting list you compiled, and I say this because we forget that “popular” books aren’t for everyone! I’ve read some of the books on this list, and I enjoyed them; yet, there are other books I couldn’t get into while everyone else was raving about them. It’s great to have options!
Right! Every book its reader and every reader their book… thank goodness for blogging, to help us identify those books.
I‘ve been of the opinion that every woman needs more romance. I stand corrected!
I’m very glad to make that correction 😛
Yay I’m so glad you did this tag! I think discussions like this can be so important when there’s bad feeling in the book community about posting ‘negative’ content – it is possible to say something isn’t for us without tearing it down, and that’s exactly what this tag is.
I’m the same with Schwab! I LOVE the premises of her stories, but for whatever reason I just don’t click with her writing.
Thanks Jess! It turned out to be a timely tag. It’s too bad re: Schwab’s books, hey? I find it a bit frustrating to know they don’t wow me but not be able to pinpoint exactly why. Maybe if I figure that out, I’ll level up as a book blogger, haha.
I enjoyed seeing why these books didn’t work for you, or why you weren’t interested in them. It’s something that I’ve had difficulty communicating in my reviews sometimes. Not all books will work for everyone, even the most popular ones.
Thanks Brenda! Yes, sometimes I find it tricky articulate why I’m not interested in a particular book… I’m just not. *shrugs*
I agree with most of these. Except Six of Crows, which is excellent and by far Bardugo’s best book.
Ah well! For Bardugo, I might say “Never say never”… but alas, we can’t read everything, haha.
I actually like this tag! It’s interesting to me to see what people *don’t* prefer. I tend to find readers I align with better via those types of preferences. For example: YAY YOU DON’T LIKE ROMANCE! I thought I was the only one! (Don’t read Six of Crows; it will NOT be your jam.) I always say that romance tends to overwhelm a plot and there is just *so much* about our society and our stories that revolve completely around romance already. It bores me and gives the cultural impression that there’s nothing else as important. I’m much more interested in other situations and types of relationships–you know, all the other stuff that constitutes a full and interesting life.
I wish I did my research with V.E. Schwab. I had this impression that she was The Most Beloved of authors in the fantasy scene, but it turns out many people are a bit lukewarm to her stories. Like you, I was underwhelmed by Shades of Magic, and i had such high hopes for the premise. I’m still going to try Vicious, but I’m much less excited about it now than I was at the beginning of the year.
Glad you enjoy it! It is definitely helpful, as a reader looking for recs, to know bloggers’ preferences both for likes and dislikes. I remember when I first started following your blog, I was like “BINGO another blogger who doesn’t like romance!”, haha. I agree that I find pretty much every other type of story of story more interesting. Good to know re: Six of Crows.
Re: Schwab, yeah, I still have that impression that she’s much beloved and she does seem like a cool person but I have found, mostly via discussions in comments lol, that more readers than it seems aren’t enamoured with her writing. My bff loves Vicious even though we were both weren’t totally wowed by ADSOM so maybe you will have luck with that one!
I hesitated a lot on picking up The Poppy War when it was first starting to be talked about. I did end up doing it a little while after its release and really liked it. Loved the sequel even more. But it is one to really prepare yourself for. It is not an easy read and I can totally understand not finding it appealing because of that.
I agree with Austen in fact I just mention why I don’t enjoy reading her in a recent Classic Remarks (https://books.thetechchef.net/classic-remarks-2-obscure-classic/) I’m also right there with you on the Romance books. I just have no interest in Romance or esp Erotica.
Thanks for the link! I’ve never actually read Austen so it would probably be good for me to hear from someone who has and doesn’t enjoy her writing. Always happy to hear from another non-fan of romance, haha.
not gonna lie the Jane Austen answer stung LOL, she’s my favourite author. but i definitely understand how she’s not for everyone haha