Wyrd & Wonder is hosting a monthlong readalong of Andrea Stewart’s The Bone Shard Daughter. Week One covers chapters 1 through 10 11. (While I was proofreading this post, I realized chapter 11 is included. I had not read ch. 11 at the time I answered these questions.) Beth @ Fantasy Hive wrote this week’s questions. Check the Goodreads thread for the schedule. The next batch of questions (covering ch. 12 to 23) will be posted midweek.
Discussion Questions
1) Welcome to Stewart’s glorious world! What are your initial impressions?
Love it! I read the first 70 pages without distracting myself. Apparently I love an archipelago-based fantasy. The characters as well have been intriguing so far, sharing just the right amount of information about themselves to pique my interest while maintaining some mystery (especially, see Q4 below). I could make a similar statement about the worldbuilding. I love what I have learnt so far about the magic system and the floating island and the hints of the Empire’s past.
2) What do you make of the magic system and the world-building?
This ties in to what I answered above. It made a great first impression! Well-catered to my tastes in fantasy.
3) Is there a character you’re particularly drawn to so far?
The smuggler dude haha whose name escapes me right now. (Jovis.) So far, he embodies a lot of classic tropes that I enjoy. His current quest seems to have the most unknown variables of all the characters we’ve been introduced to so far (how are the women chosen? why the coins? what’s that blue sail ship up to?), so I’m curious to find out what he learns and also hopefully learn more about his background.
4) What do you make of Lin’s motivations? How much do you think she’s driven by a desire to save her Empire – or are her motivations more selfish?
This is a great question and something I’m super curious about! It doesn’t seem at all clear to me so far. She did comment once or twice about her father’s failing rule and danger ahead for the empire, but this doesn’t necessarily showing that she wants to do things differently – especially given her keen interesting in learning the bone shard magic. Does she want to learn it so she can prove herself to be a good ruler or does she have other plans for that magic? Hmm…
5) Jovis tends to tell lies when faced with truths he doesn’t want to face. As a first person narrator, how reliable do you feel this makes him?
Hmm again – this did not occur to me at all. I am a very trusting reader and often blindsided by unreliable narrators. Unless I already know to be suspicious going into the story (see When We Were Liars). 😛 I guess the answer is for now, I still consider him reliable haha.
6) MEPHI 😍 Any guesses/wild theories about Jovis’s new furry friend?
Something to do with the Alanga, perhaps? 👀 My main question of interest right now is why Mephi wants to stick with Jovis. (Never mind what Mephi is or is up to, haha.)
If you’re participating in the readalong, please share your post or answers to any of these questions in the comment! If you’ve read the book before, please avoid commenting on anything that happens after chapter 10.

I’m so curious about Lin, right now it seems like she just wants to learn the magic and inherit the title, but I’m assuming she’ll end up fighting against the use of bone shards eventually. It’s a very interesting magic system for sure.
Right! The protagonist has to be the good character, fighting for the people… right? Haha, it will be really interesting to see how her character develops.
I so wish I had time to squeeze this in! Really good prompt questions!
Yes, it’s fun to answer them and then pop around to everyone else’s posts to see their responses!
Everything is island fantasy for me right now (my other read is Queen of the Conquered) and hell yes I love a fantasy archipelago 😂
…but I hadn’t stopped to consider why Mephi is soo attached to Jovis 👀 I’m going to cchew on that and then revisit my week two draft and see if I feel differently about it 😀
Ooh, I will keep an eye out for your thoughts! Now that I’ve just about finished the week two reading (I think I have two chapters remaining), I have a new theory haha.
I hope whatever was keeping you from reading this month wasn’t bad and you can enjoy finishing the rest of the book. I read it so unevenly, first 25% in week one, last 75% in two days last weekend, ended up loving it and needing more.
Yes, I did end up finishing and enjoying the whole book! 🙂