Welcome to my 13th annual ‘Wrapping Up, Looking Forward’ post. In this post, I take a general look back at how I did with my goals in 2022, and set some new goals for 2023.
Posting and Reading Overview
I posted 44 times in 2022. Still substantially less than 2020, but almost double of 2021! My loose goal for 2022 was originally 3 posts/week when I have the capacity, then reduced to 2 posts/week at mid year. This is always a lofty goal. I doubt I’ve ever come close to 104 posts in a year. (Not counting the exceptional 2020, I posted 82 times in 2018.)
I read 85 books in 2022. My original goal was 100 books, reduced to 80 at mid-year, tweaked to 84 as I up my reading goal by one for every two books I read under ~150 pages. I didn’t think I would get close to 80 – but participating as a round one Cybils judge bolstered my reading numbers in the final months! This also means I hit, for the first time ever, my goal of 52 middle grade books. I ended up reading 67 – SIXTY SEVEN! – middle grade books. So if you do some math, you can work out I only read 18 adult or young adult books
In summary, I’d say 2022 was an improvement over 2021 both in terms of posting and reading. My reading selection was less varied than I’d like, but I’m certainly pleased with the quantity. My posting consistency was not as good as in years past. But it’s an improvement nonetheless, and one I think I can continue building on in 2023.
Personal Goals
- 36 middle grade fiction novels
- I am taking a page out of my sister’s book club’s annual reading goals. 36 can be thought of as three books per month, with a little wiggle room each month.
- I’m deliberately lowering this goal from 52 because I want to be intentional about reading more adult and perhaps even young adult titles in 2023.
- 2 posts/week when I have the capacity for it, with 1 post/week during lake time
- Lake time being roughly July and August, maybe a bit of June and September. I’m building in this reduction to give myself some grace. Spending weekends at the lake means no computer and no internet and therefore no time to be spent blogging.
- 8 Family Reads
- 10 “I Can’t Believe I Haven’t Read that Yet”
- Family Reads and “Can’t Believe” were conceived as monthly posting series. I do enjoy reading and writing for both, so I think if I do a little more intentional planning, I can reach these goals.
- 80 books read
- Review at last half of what I read in 2023
- I only reviewed 25% of books I read in 2022
- Read more of the following:
- Arctic exploration (especially books I own)
- Tolkien criticism (especially books I own)
- Japanese fiction
- Middle grade fantasy of the variety I enjoy most (ex. secondary world or Narnia-style portal, lyrical prose, not action-adventure heavy)
- View count milestone
- To be discussed later in a post about stats.
No community challenges this year, but don’t hold me to that if I pick up one or two later. I have expanded my personal goals quite a bit. The aim behind this is to have a little more intentional yet realistic guidance behind my reading and blogging.
The last few years have been full of job changes and moves. Will 2022 be the year of stability?? I don’t want to make any guarantees… but I am optimistic! Here’s to a solid year of reading and reviewing in 2023.
How was your 2022 reading year? What goals or challenges are you undertaking in 2022?

I know what you mean about stability, I crave it, especially with my house move last month. I hope 2023 is a strong and happy year for you😁
Thank-you! Same to you, as you settle into your new home 😊
You did a fantastic job in 2022. Good luck on your goals for this new year, Jenna!
Thanks very much 😊
I love how all your goals are so specific, I think I should try that to see if I can stick to them more. Good luck!!!
Thank-you~! I think sometimes putting a number on things helps give something to aim for. But I try not to let it limit or pressure me either way 🙂
We had the opposite experience in 2022! I’ve posted more every year since then. 😆 Also, I love the rule of 36. Wishing you a stable, solid new year of reading and writing!
P.S. I’m looking forward to those MG fantasy reviews – best genre ever!
Thanks so much! Hope your year is off to a good start.
You had a great reading year!
I’m trying to slip in more middle grade novels – have been trying to since I started working in the youth department at the library (a couple years ago now). My plan is to start listening to them in between my nonfiction audio. We’ll see how it goes!
I think that is a great idea 😄 I wish I had some audio recommendations for you. I am not an audiobook listener but I have been thinking of trying a MG in audio for when I am on the bus…
Every year I say to myself, this is the year I’m going to be a consistent blogger! And then…life happens. 😉 Oh well, each year is a new year!
That is a great attitude to have 😄
I hope you’ll get some of the stability that you want n 2023. <3
Thank you so much 😊