September 2024 Month In Review

Posted 2 October 2024 in month in review /3 Comments

OCTOBER IS HERE AT LAST I’ve been ready for cozy season for like four weeks now and it seemed like it was arriving around Sept 20 so I swapped out some of my spring/summer decor for fall/winter but then the weather went back to SUNNY AND CLEAR SKIES AND 30° this past weekend??! That was kind of nice, because my sister and I went down to Minneapolis from Sept 26 to 30 to see our favourite bands perform so we also spent a lot of time outside enjoying one last summer hurray but now we are home and it is 16° and fall is upon us at last.

anyway 🙂 in terms of reading and blogging, tis the season where I start picking that back up soooo maybe I’ll get four posts out this month lol. The reading definitely fell behind in September, but I’ve placed a bunch of holds and have lots of options for October, so on we go!

Books Finished

  • The Familiar by Leigh Bardugo
  • A Sweet Sting of Salt by Rose Sutherland
  • Thornhedge by T. Kingfisher
  • Impossible Creatures by Katherine Rundell

Posts Written

Challenges Check In

  • 14/30 middle grade fiction novels (excluding rereads)
  • 6/9 Family Reads
    • Haven’t posted this exactly on schedule, but content is still on track! Whoohoo!!
  • 2/6 “I Can’t Believe I Haven’t Read that Yet”
    • I still believe I can get to four by the end of the year… maybe I should have made this a quarterly event lol.
  • 50/83 books read
  • Reviewed 32% (16/50) of what I read (goal = 40%)
  • Reread The Silmarillion, The Hobbit, and The Lord of the Rings
  • 3/8 posts in September
  • 3,024/2,200 views in September
    • the kids are back in school so my views are up again!

On My Radar in October

How was your September? What new books, or bookish events, are you looking forward to this month?

Jenna's signature

3 responses to “September 2024 Month In Review

  1. Our weather is still quite warm, but I’m hopeful that won’t last too long. I’m also hoping to read The City in Glass and This Cursed House this month. There are no shortage of October releases to choose from, that’s for sure😁

  2. Like you, I tend to read a bit more during “cozy season” compared to summer — although it’s till well in the 80’s F (upper 20’s C) here and probably will be off and on for the rest of the month down here on the gulf coast. I hope you have a very enjoyable autumn and get in lots of enjoyable reading 🙂

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