Category: book friday archive

Jaclyn Moriarty – The Ghosts of Ashbury High

25 November 2011 / book friday archive / 0 Comments
Jaclyn Moriarty – The Ghosts of Ashbury High

Author: Jaclyn Moriarty Title: The Ghosts of Ashbury High (Dreaming of Amelia in Australia) Published: June 2010 Publisher: Arthur A. Levine Books Length: 480 pages Genre: YA fiction Why I picked it up: Love the series Rating: 4 stars Challenges: Global | 100+ It is always a rare treat to find a YA novel that I can enjoy and devour. There are a very few YA authors that I love. […]

Sylvia Plath – The Bell Jar

28 October 2011 / book friday archive / 1 Comment
Sylvia Plath – The Bell Jar

 Author: Sylvia Plath Title: The Bell Jar Published: 1963 Publisher: Heinemann Length: 244 pages Genre: Semi-autobiographical fiction Why I picked it up: A ‘classic’, sounded goodRating: 4 stars Challenges: 100+   Buy: IndieBound | Chapters | Check your local bookstore! I sometimes wonder if I might ever loose my grounding or go crazy or have a nervous breakdown. I think everyone does. What struck me about this book was how well […]

Eli Pariser – The Filter Bubble

21 October 2011 / book friday archive / 0 Comments
Eli Pariser – The Filter Bubble

Author: Eli Pariser Title: The Filter Bubble Published: May 2011 Publisher: Penguin Press Length: 243 pages Genre: Non-fiction Why I picked it up: Saw his TED talk, interested in topic Rating: 3 stars Challenges: 100+ The Filter Bubble book is about personal information gathered online and the invisible filtering algorithms that make use of that information. Facebook uses filters, Google uses filters, advertisers use filters. Who knows who will use […]

Philip Jose Farmer – To Your Scattered Bodies Go

3 September 2011 / book friday archive / 0 Comments
Philip Jose Farmer – To Your Scattered Bodies Go

Author: Philip Jose Farmer Title: To Your Scattered Bodies GoSeries: Riverworld Published: June 19712011 Publisher: Feiwel and Friends Length: 201 pages Genre: Science-fiction w/ historical characters Target age: Adult Why I picked it up: On my TBR listRating: 3.5 starsChallenges: 2011 TBR Pile  | 100+ Buy: Chapters | IndieBound | Check your local bookstore! When it comes to straight up science fiction, I am generally not interested. I was going […]

Jared Diamond – Guns, Germs and Steel

27 August 2011 / book friday archive / 0 Comments
Jared Diamond – Guns, Germs and Steel

Author: Jared Diamon Title: Guns, Germs and Steel Published: March 1997 Publisher: W.W. Norton Length: 441 pages Genre: Non-fiction (world history/anthropology/culture) Why I picked it up: Interest in the topic Rating: 4 stars Challenges: 100+ This is a book I’ve owned for a few years but haven’t been quite ready to tackle until now. I signed it out from the high school library, read about 50 pages, realized it was […]