Category: brief reviews

Reading Recap: April and May

2 June 2016 / brief reviews / 0 Comments
Reading Recap: April and May

Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White – After staying on a farm with lots of sheep, duck, chickens, and turkeys, I was in the mood to read this story. Luckily the next farm (my third) I went to had a copy. Anne of the Island by L.M. Montgomery – The third Anne book. I thought it was about time to read another one. FINALLY, progress on the romantic front! I didn’t […]

Brief Thoughts: The Wolf Border by Sarah Hall

2 February 2016 / brief reviews / 0 Comments
Brief Thoughts: The Wolf Border by Sarah Hall

Goodreads | IndieBound | Chapters | Amazon  Julianne @ Outlandish Lit review | Raven Haired Girl review ★★★ The publisher’s description misleads, making no mention of Rachel’s pregnancy or brother, disregarding the family dynamics that make up the bulk of the plot. (The description does mention a mother, but she is removed from the story early on.) This tales is less about wolves and more about family. I wanted to […]

Brief Thoughts on Some Fables

15 January 2016 / brief reviews / 1 Comment
Brief Thoughts on Some Fables

During last week’s Bout of Books, I read two books that you might call fables. The Magician’s Elephant is an extended middle grade fable, while Stories for Nighttime and Some for the Day puts a contemporary, speculative twist on the fable form. The Magician’s Elephant by Kate DiCamillo Rating: ★★★½ Goodreads | Indiebound | Chapters | Amazon  Kate @ Bookish Illuminations review | NY Times review My first time reading […]

Brief Thoughts: The Karluk’s Last Voyage by Robert A. Bartlett

9 January 2016 / brief reviews / 2 Comments
Brief Thoughts: The Karluk’s Last Voyage by Robert A. Bartlett

GoodReads | IndieBound | Chapters | Amazon ★★★½ Call it love of adventure if you will; it seems to me the life that ought to appeal to any man with red blood in his veins, for as long as there is a square mile of the old earth’s surface that is unexplored, man will want to seek out that spot and find out all about ti and bring back word […]

Brief Thoughts: 2015 Final Reads

31 December 2015 / brief reviews / 0 Comments
Brief Thoughts: 2015 Final Reads

I’ve spent most of December working, enjoying the company of friends and family, and hurrying to polish off some books. Here are some brief thoughts on a handful of the books I finished recently. That’s Why I’m a Journalist: Top Canadian Reporters Tell Their Most Unforgettable Stories edited by Mark Bulgutch Great collection of varied stories that let you get a glimpse into person who brings you the news. As […]