Category: brief reviews

Brief Thoughts: The Riddles of the Hobbit and Bone Gap

26 May 2015 / brief reviews / 0 Comments
Brief Thoughts: The Riddles of the Hobbit and Bone Gap

Another quick review post already? Hrm, it’s been a few weeks since I’ve read a book I could really sink into. My dad and sister’s visit disrupted my habit, and now things are starting to get hectic around here since I’ve only got a couple months left before I move back home! I’m cramming my weekends full with trips and my weekdays full with planning those trips 😛 I’ve been […]

Quick Review: Tuesdays at the Castle and The Night Gardener

24 May 2015 / brief reviews / 0 Comments
Quick Review: Tuesdays at the Castle and The Night Gardener

Here are two middle grade novels with fantasy elements.  Tuesdays at the Castle by Jessica Day George Series: Castle Glower #1 Rating: ★★★★ [ratings guide] I devoured this book during April’s 24 Hour Read-a-thon. I think it’s a very fun, if not super deep, read. The castle intrigue and politics aren’t the most original, but they suit the story and are a lot of fun to read with the castle […]

Quick Revew: Emancipation Day and The War That Saved My Life

6 May 2015 / brief reviews / 2 Comments
Quick Revew: Emancipation Day and The War That Saved My Life

Both of these books take place during World War II. Emancipation Day by Wayne Grady Rating: ★★½ [ratings guide] This is only the second book I’ve read that uses passing to explore racial identity and prejudice. Boy, Snow, Bird introduced me to the concept, of which I was previously ignorant.  I liked the setting and the incorporation of historical events. I especially liked that part of the story is set […]

Quick Review: If I Stay and Nothing to Envy

12 April 2015 / brief reviews / 1 Comment
Quick Review: If I Stay and Nothing to Envy

It’s been a few months since I reviewed two books in one quick review post. The only way I could think to connect these two is that they’re both for Adam @ Roof Beam Reader’s TBR Pile Challenge. These are my fourth and fifth reads for that challenge.   Nothing to Envy: Ordinary Lives in North Korea by Barbara Demick Rating: ★★★ [ratings guide] Ugh, why am I reading books about […]

Quick Review: The Boundless by Kenneth Oppel

6 April 2015 / brief reviews / 2 Comments
Quick Review: The Boundless by Kenneth Oppel

Goodreads | IndieBound | Chapters | Amazon  Krysta @ Pages Unbound Review | The Guardian Review ★★★½ Key words to describe this book: Diversity and Canadian history and classism and folklore and sexism and racism and adventure! Whoo, that’s a lot for one book to address, but all these topics factor into the story. I guess the best word here is intersectionality? It’s great to see that in a novel […]