Category: brief reviews

Quick Review: Empty Mansions by Bill Dedman

12 March 2015 / brief reviews / 1 Comment
Quick Review: Empty Mansions by Bill Dedman

Goodreads | IndieBound | Chapters | Amazon  Book 3 for the 2015 TBR Pile Challenge Andi @ Estella’s Revenge review | Shannon @ River City Reading review ★★★★ Highly recommended if the story of one man’s accumulation of wealth and his daughter’s peculiar handling of it throughout the 20th century intrigues you  In the reader’s guide at the end of the book, Dedman describes the main threads of the story […]

Quick Review: Brain on Fire by Susannah Cahalan

28 February 2015 / brief reviews / 1 Comment
Quick Review: Brain on Fire by Susannah Cahalan

Goodreads | IndieBound | Chapters | Amazon  Book 2 for the 2015 TBR Pile Challenge New Republic review ★★★½ I think I added this book after seeing it featured at Chapters. This is an unusual memoir in that the person writing it doesn’t recall the bulk of the time she writes about. Susannah takes on the role of reporter into her own life. I can’t imagine how strange that must […]

Quick Review: Thank-You for Your Service by David Finkel

1 February 2015 / brief reviews / 0 Comments
Quick Review: Thank-You for Your Service by David Finkel

Goodreads | IndieBound | Chapters | Amazon  Book 1 for the 2015 TBR Pile Challenge Telegraph review ★★★½ Another book I might have given four stars (and I did on GoodReads) but I wouldn’t reread it. For the past few years, one of the first books I read in a new year has to do with war. Not sure how that happened, but that’s why I finally sought out this […]

Quick Review: Riveting Reads

18 January 2015 / brief reviews / 0 Comments
Quick Review: Riveting Reads

Every now and then I pick up a novel not expecting anything in particular, but once I start reading I find myself sucked into the story and blazing through the book whenever I have a moment. These books either make me cry out “I can’t believe it! What happens next?” with nearly every page, or they have me captured silently wondering how the characters will deal with their situation. (…Well, […]

Quick Review: Fell Short

29 December 2014 / brief reviews / 0 Comments
Quick Review: Fell Short

I looked forward to these two books but both fell way short of what I heard about them. Room by Emma Donoghue Rating: ★★ [ratings guide] I thought the kid’s voice was going to put me off but I grit my teeth and became numb to it. It wasn’t too distracting once I settled in (there were other things about this book I liked a lot less), but I can […]