Category: events

Armchair Book Expo – Introduction

31 May 2017 / events / 13 Comments
Armchair Book Expo – Introduction

It’s been a couple years since I participated in Armchair Book Expo. Perhaps it will be just the jolt to get me back into blogging regularly 😉 The introduction prompt this year is 10 sentence starters; here are my responses to five of them: I am . . . a 25 year old Canadian currently working as an EA with dreams of becoming a children’s librarian (I start an MLIS in the […]

Dewey’s 24 Hour Read-a-thon Master Post (April 2017)

29 April 2017 / events / 2 Comments
Dewey’s 24 Hour Read-a-thon Master Post (April 2017)

Closing Survey Which hour was most daunting for you? Hour 8 – I had a short nap, which I thought would be good, but when I tried to go outside, I decided to go back to bed and slept for another hour and a half… Could you list a few high-interest books that you think could keep a reader engaged for next year? I did really well at choosing books suitable […]

Celebrating Elizabeth Goudge

27 April 2017 / events / 2 Comments
Celebrating Elizabeth Goudge

Hosted by Lory @ Emerald City Book Review Back in March, Lory announced she would once again be inviting readers to celebrate the birthday of Elizabeth Goudge by reading one of her works and sharing their thoughts. I hadn’t heard of Goudge, so I ventured over to Wikipedia and learnt that one of the works she is most known for is called The Little White Horse, a children’s novel I would classify […]

Tolkien Reading Day 2017

25 March 2017 / events / 2 Comments
Tolkien Reading Day 2017

March 25 is Tolkien Reading Day. Organized by the Tolkien Society, the day was chosen to coincide with the defeat of Sauron. The day was established “to encourage fans to celebrate and promote the life and works of J.R.R. Tolkien by reading favourite passages”. My posts covers my plans for today + 8 playlists to listen to while reading your favourite Tolkien tales. Too much time has passed since  I read […]

Cybils 2016 Finalists

1 January 2017 / events / 6 Comments
Cybils 2016 Finalists

I am excited to share that Cybils 2016 (Children’s and Young Adult Bloggers Literary Awards) finalists have been announced! From October to December, I served on a panel of five judges who read through the 100+ nominees in the middle grade fiction category. I had a great time discussing books with Karen, Sarah, Mindy, and Ryan. We had a lot of strong books to choose from this year. Without further […]