Category: events

Dewey’s 24 Hour Read-a-thon (Master Post)

22 October 2016 / events / 2 Comments
Dewey’s 24 Hour Read-a-thon (Master Post)

End of Event Survey Busy weekend! I feel like my theme for this Read-a-thon was ‘late for everything.’ 😛 Lots of great things have been happening in October, but I will appreciate some breathing time in November. I ended up reading for 5 hours and 15 minutes. I lost three planned hours of reading to socializing of all things. I go to the pub maybe four times a year and […]

October KidLit Blog Hop

19 October 2016 / events / 2 Comments
October KidLit Blog Hop

This monthly hop is designed to engage a group of people who love everything that has to do with children’s literature. Everyone is welcome to join us: bloggers, authors, publicist, and publishers! For the October KidLit Blog Hop, I thought I’d review the reading I’ve done and plan to do for the Cybils this month. Public nominations closed on October 15. I went through the nominees list and noted which […]

Why I Loved NerdCon: Stories

18 October 2016 / events / 1 Comment
Why I Loved NerdCon: Stories

The second annual and likely final NerdCon: Stories took place this past weekend in Minneapolis. I drove down to attend with my sister and my best friend. We had a lot of fun when we made the trip last year. What is NerdCon? NerdCon began as an experiment. It tends to defy description. This is probably a large factor in its failure, failure being here defined as not financially stable […]

Cybils 2016

1 October 2016 / events / 3 Comments
Cybils 2016

Today nominations open for the Cybils Awards. The Cybils are the Children’s and Young Adult Blogger’s Literary Awards. The award “aims to recognize the children’s and young adult authors and illustrators whose books combine the highest literary merit and popular appeal”. I don’t usually follow awards, but I appreciate the Cybils because, as a fan of middle-grade and as an aspiring children’s librarian, it’s one that’s actually relevant to my […]

24 in 48!

22 July 2016 / events / 0 Comments
24 in 48!

I feel like this event has snuck up on me. When I first signed up, I thought I would be at my lake with a lot of time for light reading. I hadn’t given a further thought to the readathon until now. No longer will be I at my lake, so since I’m stuck in the city, I can’t resist sneaking in a few extra Fringe Festival shows. The last […]