Category: review

The Northwest Passage, Then and Now [NF Review]

21 April 2020 / review / 4 Comments
The Northwest Passage, Then and Now [NF Review]

Preamble You know those posts that languish in your drafts for a couple years before you finally decide they’re timeless so you plunk them into your upcoming schedule and hope you can recall enough to write a decent post? Yeah, this is one of those 😝 I read both of these books over the summer of 2018. I made some notes for Journey to the Edge but only one for […]

An Unlikely Crew of Robots Make for a Charming Tale [MG Review]

12 April 2020 / review / 4 Comments
An Unlikely Crew of Robots Make for a Charming Tale [MG Review]

Cog by Greg Van Eekhout Cog looks like a normal twelve-year-old boy. But his name is short for “cognitive development,” and he was built to learn. But after an accident leaves him damaged, Cog wakes up in an unknown lab—and Gina, the scientist who created and cared for him, is nowhere to be found. Surrounded by scientists who want to study him and remove his brain, Cog recruits four robot […]

The Buy Nothing, Get Everything Plan [NF Review]

10 April 2020 / review / 5 Comments
The Buy Nothing, Get Everything Plan [NF Review]

The Buy Nothing, Get Everything Plan: Discover the Joy of Spending Less, Sharing More, and Living Generously by Liesl Clark and Rebecca Rockefeller Inspired by the ancient practice of gift economies, where neighbors share and pool resources, The Buy Nothing, Get Everything Plan introduces an environmentally conscious 7-step guide that teaches us how to buy less, give more, and live generously. At once an actionable plan and a thought-provoking exploration of our […]

This Was Our Pact = Stunning and Dreamy Graphic Novel [MG Review]

5 April 2020 / review / 4 Comments
This Was Our Pact = Stunning and Dreamy Graphic Novel [MG Review]

This Was Our Pact by Ryan Andrews It’s the night of the annual Autumn Equinox Festival, when the town gathers to float paper lanterns down the river. Legend has it that after drifting out of sight, they’ll soar off to the Milky Way and turn into brilliant stars, but could that actually be true? This year, Ben and his classmates are determined to find out where those lanterns really go. […]

An Amusing Twist on Dungeons & Dragons for the Middle School Crowd [MG Review]

3 April 2020 / review / 4 Comments
An Amusing Twist on Dungeons & Dragons for the Middle School Crowd [MG Review]

Homerooms & Hall Passes by Tom O’Donnell In the mystical realm of Bríandalör, every day the brave and the bold delve into hidden temples or forgotten dungeons, battling vile monsters and evil wizards to loot their treasure hoards for sweet, sweet magic items. But in their free time, our heroes—Thromdurr the mighty barbarian, Devis the shifty thief, Vela the noble paladin, Sorrowshade the Gloom Elf assassin, and Albiorix the (good!) […]