Category: review

8 Quotes from I’d Rather Be Reading: The Delights and Dilemmas of the Reading Life [NF Review]

9 December 2020 / review / 5 Comments
8 Quotes from I’d Rather Be Reading: The Delights and Dilemmas of the Reading Life [NF Review]

I’d Rather Be Readingby Anne BogelSource: ebook/ LibraryPublished: Sept. 2018Publisher: Baker Books (Baker Publishing Group)Length: 156 pages Genre: Non-fiction (essays/memoir)Target Age: Adult (suitable for 14+) For so many people, reading isn’t just a hobby or a way to pass the time–it’s a lifestyle. Our books shape us, define us, enchant us, and even sometimes infuriate us. Our books are a part of who we are as people, and we can’t imagine life without them. I’d […]

Black Water: A Memoir of “Family, Legacy, and Blood Memory” [NF Review]

11 November 2020 / review / 14 Comments
Black Water: A Memoir of “Family, Legacy, and Blood Memory” [NF Review]

The son of a Cree father and a non-Indigenous mother, David A. Robertson was raised with virtually no knowledge or understanding of his family’s Indigenous roots. His father, Don, spent his early childhood on a  trapline in the bush northeast of Norway House, Manitoba, where his first teach was the land. When his family was moved permanently to a nearby reserve, Don was not permitted to speak Cree at school […]

Ready or Not, Here IT Comes… [MG Review]

28 October 2020 / review / 3 Comments
Ready or Not, Here IT Comes… [MG Review]

Justin knows that something is wrong with his best friend.Zee went missing for a year. And when he came back, he was . . . different. Nobody knows what happened to him. At Zee’s welcome home party, Justin and the neighborhood crew play Hide and Seek. But it goes wrong. Very wrong. One by one, everyone who plays the game disappears, pulled into a world of nightmares come to life. […]

Can You Trust Your Shadow? [MG Review]

7 October 2020 / review / 2 Comments
Can You Trust Your Shadow? [MG Review]

Emmeline’s gift of controlling shadows has isolated her from the rest of the world, but she’s grown to be content, hidden away in her mansion with Dar, her own shadow, as her only company. Disaster strikes when a noble family visits their home and offers to take Emmeline away and cure her of magic. Desperate not to lose her shadows, she turns to Dar who proposes a deal: Dar will […]

“Advertising and the Time Bomb at the Heart of the Internet” [NF Review]

4 October 2020 / review / 4 Comments
“Advertising and the Time Bomb at the Heart of the Internet” [NF Review]

Subprime Attention Crisis: Advertising and the Time Bomb at the Heart of the Internet by Tim HwangSource: ebook/NetGalleyPublished: 13 Oct. 2020Publisher: FSGO x Logic (Macmillan)Length: 176 pages Genre: Non-fictionTarget Age: AdultI received a free copy from the publisher via NetGalley. 🍂 Author’s Twitter 🍂 David W. @ Goodreads review 🍂 PW review 🍂 Related: Digital Minimalism Review ✍️ Subprime Attention Crisis is one of four titles launching on Tuesday October 13 that comprise a collaboration between publishing imprint FSG […]