Category: thoughts

Armchair BEA: Character Chatter

29 May 2015 / thoughts / 2 Comments
Armchair BEA: Character Chatter

Time for my last BEA post! I’m off on a trip in about half an hour so this post is coming straight off the top of my head. Characters are important to me while reading, but often when I think back on what I liked about a book it’s not the characters I think of. There are few characters that stand out in my memory as being significant to me […]

Armchair BEA: Social Media

28 May 2015 / thoughts / 0 Comments
Armchair BEA: Social Media

Today’s topic is very timely! I’ve been thinking a lot lately about my usage of social media. Time to use today as an outlet for those thoughts to spill out into a blog. Lately I’ve been feeling fraught about my relationship with social media (not just in relation to blogging, so please bear with me as I ramble a bit). Usually I get in this mood a couple times a […]

Armchair BEA: Introduction

27 May 2015 / thoughts / 20 Comments
Armchair BEA: Introduction

Welcome back, Armchair BEA! This one of the first events I participated in after deciding to become a full-fledged book blogger last spring. I found many of my favourite blogs through this event, and I hope to discover many more again this year. I’m not sure how much I’ll be able to participate, though, as on Friday I’m off to Tokyo for the World Kendo Championships (as an observer, not […]

Response: Understanding Éowyn, Part Two

9 April 2015 / response, thoughts / 1 Comment

Last month, I wrote about how The Lord of the Rings‘ Éowyn is one of my favourite Tolkien characters, despite my struggle to comprehend her from a feminist perspective. I want to develop a more perceptive view of Éowyn, so I can better inform my opinion of her and understand her role in Middle-Earth. Ultimately, I’d like to settle whether I can successfully argue Éowyn is a feminist icon (or […]

Blogging Discussion: How I Write a Review

15 March 2015 / discussion, thoughts / 16 Comments

Last month, I wrote about the difference between writing positive and negatives review. This month I’d like to talk about how I write a review. I think this might be an informal feature going forward – these discussion posts about blogging. As I delve deeper into book blogging, I’d like to get a bit meta and chat about subjects particular to book blogging. Onto this month’s topic! *** As I […]