Category: thoughts

Response: Literary Pilgrimages

Response: Literary Pilgrimages

A few weeks ago, James of James Reads Books posted a Sunday Salon about literary pilgrimages. James defines literary pilgrimage as a “trip taken specifically for book related reasons” that “involves staying away from home at least one night”. I left a comment about my own journeys, but I’d like to share more here. New York City In May 2012 I took a short trip with my aunt and uncle […]

Response: Thoughts on J.R.R. Tolkien

25 April 2014 / response, thoughts / 5 Comments

Yesterday, I read two articles about J.R.R. Tolkien that contextualized his work in ways I hadn’t considered before. Both articles gave me a sudden sense of clarity on the topic, so I thought I would note my response to each article here. I intend to make this a regular feature – since I no longer have to do any academic writing for university, I’m directing my thinking power here! Please […]

Wrapping Up 2013, Looking Forward 2014

1 January 2014 / thoughts, Uncategorized / 0 Comments

Last year I said “I’m going to exercise my willpower more”. Hahahahaha. I’m going to scrap the format of the last few year end posts and just type away a bit. This year was mostly eaten away by a three month summer trip around Ireland, England and Portugal, book-ended by two busy semesters (the first overloaded with school work, the second overloaded with paid work). Once again I did not meet […]

Wrapping Up 2012, Looking Forward 2013

1 January 2013 / thoughts, Uncategorized / 0 Comments

Here it is, the last post for today, I promise! 😉 I have greatly neglected blogging the past few months and let the posts pile up, leading to this deluge of five on the final day of the year. I’m pleased to have made it to 50 posts, though. I hate to see how my blogging habits always wane at the beginning of summer and never quite get back into […]

J.R.R. Tolkien – The Return of the King

J.R.R. Tolkien – The Return of the King

  Author: J.R.R. TolkienTitle: The Return of the King Published: October 1955 Publisher: Allen & Unwin (HarperCollins) Length: 378 pages (not including appendices; greatly varies, this is for a trade paperback edition) Genre: High fantasy Why I picked it up: Reading the trilogyRating: 4.5 stars Challenges: TBR Double Dare Buy:  IndieBound |  Chapters | Check your local bookstore! NOTE: I just finished writing this post. It’s ridiculous. I couldn’t convey properly […]