The ABC’s of LGBT+ by Ash Hardell*

Published: October 2016
Publisher: Mango Media
Length: 170 pages
Genre: Non-fiction
The ABC’s of LGBT+ introduces over 100 terms to describe gender, sexual, and romantic identities. The book consists of three sections preceded by a “cheat sheet” that briefly introduces the vocabulary: 1) spectrums and how one can use them to work out their identity, 2) gender, and 3) sexual and romantic identities. Hardell wrote this book primarily for newbies, whether they are “questioning teens” or “anyone wanting to learn the language of respect” (jacket description).
Hardell, “a very fluid, queer person, comfortable using the words bi, pan, and multisexual interchangeably”(19) (to quote some of the terms Hardell uses to describe herself), emphasizes that defining one’s identity can be an ongoing and evolving process, using both her own continuing process of understanding her identity and that of over 40 diverse first-person testimonials as examples.
Throughout the book, Hardell takes care to highlight the complexity of identity while avoiding to be prescriptive. She addresses different ways that different groups of people may use the same term, without privileging one use over another (for example, she includes a chart explaining reasons why people would or would not choose to use the term queer).
Although not published explicitly for young adults, the book’s appealing design (including the use of photographs and colourful hand-drawn images) and conversational, encouraging narrative style make it accessible for teen readers.
I read this book because I needed one to fill the information text requirement of my young adult literature class. I recently started watching Hardell’s YouTube channel and my sister highly recommend this book. I was not expecting to come across any labels I could apply to myself, but I was pleasantly surprised when I did! The spectrum chapter was very helpful. I ended up learning more about how I feel about my gender identity and confirming some thoughts I’ve had about my romantic and sexual identities. That being said, I particularly appreciated the section that explained why a person (like myself) may not choose to label themselves, and that that’s a valid choice.
The Bottom Line
An excellent text that I can highly recommend for serving well its purpose of addressing questioning teens or anyone wanting to learn the language of respect.
Further Reading
- Ash’s YouTube (see playlist “The ABC’s of LGBT+”)
- Download for free
- Review by Danika @ The Lesbrary
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