June 2024 Month In Review

Posted 1 July 2024 in month in review /4 Comments

Where did June go! Oh right, it went into my two weekends of camping. I leave straight from work on Thursday and return by Sunday evening. Then this past weekend (since June 28), we have family visiting from out of town so that has also kept me busy. But technically I met my blog post goal for this month so that’s exciting. 😛 I was reading my way through two +450 page books in June, but both had to go back to the library before I could finish them 🥲 So this month has turned out to be the month with the least books finished (in 2024). Anyway, to shake things up, here are a few photos from my camping trips:

Books Finished

  • The Unlikely Redemption of John Alexander MacNeil by Lesley Choyce
  • Fungal: Foraging in the Urban Forest by Ariel Gordon
  • Not Quite a Ghost by Anne Ursu

Books Reviewed

Posts Written

Challenges Check In

  • 7/30 middle grade fiction novels (excluding rereads)
    • Have not yet had the ‘summer boost’ that I anticipated… but there’s still July and August! If you have any recs for lush compelling MG fantasy, please do leave them in the comments…
  • 5/9 Family Reads
    • Super pleased that I’ve basically stuck with the schedule on this one! Thank-you to my family for cooperating with my schemes haha.
  • 2/6 “I Can’t Believe I Haven’t Read that Yet”
    • Been a bit stagnant with this one, but I do have the latest winner (The Prestige) currently checked out, so hopefully I’ll get the next post in this series up this month.
  • 34/82 books read
    • Six books behind now… if I hadn’t had to return those two chunksters, I would still only be four behind. Oh well!
  • Reviewed 44% (15/34) of what I read (goal = 40%)
    • I’m counting two of the five ‘reviews’ I wrote in a Round Up post for this stat
  • Reread The Silmarillion, The Hobbit, and The Lord of the Rings
    • 4/4 posts in June
      • Goal is reduced in summer due to camping trips, so now I’m on track with posts per month 😎
    • 2,529/2,200 views in June

    On My Radar in July

    Representation indicated below AFAIK (I haven’t read these books). Please notify me of any errors or places where I can be more specific.

    How was your June? Which new books, or bookish events, are you looking forward to this month?

    Jenna's signature

    4 responses to “June 2024 Month In Review

    1. logcabinlibrary

      My reading continues to be all over the place. LOL I did read The Long Way Around by Anne Nesbet, which is a realistic fiction adventure story. More about the children and them resolving some personal issues but a very nice story.

    2. I hope you had fun on your camping trips! I haven’t been camping in years, but it was always something I enjoyed as a kid. I hope it wasn’t too hot where you were. I hope you are able to get your hands on those books you weren’t able to finish. I hate when you have to return a library book before finishing. Renewals only seem to be an option on books you’ve already worked your way through. I’ve got my eye on It Came from the Trees as well. The cover for that one reminds me a scary books I used to read as a child. Happy July!

    3. Ah dangit, having to return library books before they’re finished isn’t fun. I hope if they were good reads so far that you’ll be able to pick them up again soon.

      I don’t know why but I can’t for the life of me get your camping photos to load, even after refreshing the page and trying a different browser. It’s most likely that this is a me-problem (the internet here is apparently made of pool noodles), but on the off chance there’s something wonky going on with the image widget I wanted to give you a heads up.

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