I forgot to mention in my June month in review post that I would be acting at work again for five weeks. So that used up all my brain power from the July 7 to August 9. Add in all my camping trips, and my summer went by in a flash. I am still enjoying lovely weather in September so far, though, so looking forward to spending some time with cozy spooky reads and maybe even spending some time reviewing books…
Books Finished
- The Curse of Eelgrass Bog by Mary Averling
- The Prestige by Christopher Priest
- The Kodiaks: Home Ice Advantage by David A. Robertson
- The Lumbering Giants of Windy Pines by Mo Netz
- The Divorcees by Rowan Beaird
- The Spear Cuts Through Water by Simon Jimenez
- Flawless Girls by Anna-Marie McLemore
- Louder Than Hunger by John Schu
- 102 Days of Lying About Lauren by Maura Jortner
- Roll for Initiative by Jaime Formato
- Just a Pinch of Magic by Alechia Dow
- Except for Palestine: The Limits of Progressive Politics by Marc Hill Lamont and Mitchell Plitnick
Challenges Check In
- 13/30 middle grade fiction novels (excluding rereads)
- As you may have noticed above, I did get through a solid stack of recent releases as well as one title that had been on my TBR for far too long (Roll for Initiative), but not quite enough to get ahead of this goal.
- 5/9 Family Reads
- I’m late on the discussion that was to go up in July (August was a by month), but it IS drafted and scheduled for this weekend!
- 2/6 “I Can’t Believe I Haven’t Read that Yet”
- Still haven’t posted about The Prestige, though I did finish reading it. Ah well.
- 47/82 books read
- Eight books behind now… still recoverable!
- Reviewed 32% (15/47) of what I read (goal = 40%)
- Ahhhh I need to work on this one 😛
- Reread The Silmarillion,
The Hobbit, and The Lord of the Rings - 1/8 posts in July and August
- 1,957/2,200 views in July and 2,026/2,200 views in August
- These are typically my lowest view count months. (I imagine I get a lot of traffic from educators/students.)
On My Radar in September

- 3 Sept – Release date of The Chainbreakers by Julian Randall (MG fantasy)
- 7 Sept – Deadline to apply for Cybils judge
- 19 Sept – Release date of The Forest of a Thousand Eyes by Frances Hardinge and Emily Gravett (MG fantasy)
How was your summer? What new books, or bookish events, are you looking forward to this month?

You managed to read quite a bit even though you are busy! I’m looking forward to going back to work after being out, and can’t wait until I get a new book order in at school. The only thing better than reading books is flinging them at children! Enjoy the cooler weather!
My style of camping includes about 50% time spent reading, so that helped keep me going 😁 Hope your order of new books comes in soon!
Ooh! You’ve read several that I also enjoyed, and I’m excited about both of those upcoming releases!
The middle grade releases I read this summer were all quite stellar 🙂
Sounds like a great summer! My work events calm down a bit in the fall so I’m looking forward to some more typical weekends
Right! It can be fun to have lots to do on a summer weekend, but having some peaceful/downtime is nice too.
Oh how was Just a Pinch of Magic?
Great! I enjoyed it even more than I thought I would 🙂 It’s got more weight to it than the cover might suggest.
I’ve been hesitant about Flawless Girls as I’ve seen mixed things. I’d love to hear what you thought of it as a fellow Anna-Marie McLemore fan. I’m so glad it’s spooky season (it unofficially starts in September, right?). Hope you pick up some good reads for it!
Sooo I was happy to see McLemore trying out a different plot structure but unfortunately most aspects about it fell short for me 😅 But yes, hooray for spooky season! I’m waiting patiently for A HAUNTING ON THE HILL to come in at the library….