Tidal Creatures (Alchemical Journeys #3) by Seanan McGuire [Wyrd & Wonder Review]
![Tidal Creatures (Alchemical Journeys #3) by Seanan McGuire [Wyrd & Wonder Review]](https://i0.wp.com/fallingletters.ca/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/tidal-creatures-banner.png?fit=1600%2C900&ssl=1&resize=245%2C150)
Tidal Creaturesby Seanan McGuireSource: ebook/NetGalleyPublished: 6 Jun 2024Publisher: TorDotCom (Macmillan)Length: 464 pages Genre: Speculative fictionTarget Age: AdultRepresentation: A progatonist is American with a Chinese father and Scottish mother, supporting character is Black Summary 💬 All across the world, people look up at the moon and dream of gods. Gods of knowledge and wisdom, gods of tides and longevity. Over time, some of these moon gods incarnated into the human world alongside the other manifest […]