September’s Result – Small Spaces by Katherine Arden

I must have checked this book out from the library three times over the past two years. It seemed like it was never the right time to read it. I struggled to get past the opening. I’m so glad it won last month’s vote, though, because this makes an excellent October read.
It does take some time for the story to get going, but once it does, I didn’t put the book down. Even the slower beginning sets the scene for what’s to come, with an unsettling bus driver and snippets from the book Ollie stole.
Arden knows how to write dread. Multiple scenes made my limbs hum, ready to flee from the coming danger. I definitely muttered “oh. my. god.” a few times, my phrase of choice for when something truly alarms me, lol. Hand Small Spaces to readers who want real scares. The plot is simple enough. I also enjoyed the growing friendship with Coco and how Ollie learns to see her as a whole person, not just a crybaby (and especially how Ollie recognizes that tears do not mean weakness!). But it’s the atmosphere and the in-the-moment terror that make this a strong story.
October’s Selection
This month’s theme is a mash up of Japanese literature and books about books. I sorted my Japan Goodreads shelf by highest number of ratings, then chose the first two that made me think “I can’t believe I haven’t read that yet”. I did the same with my books about books shelf. The logic behind this is that there weren’t four books on either shelf that made me think that crucial refrain, lol. Links to Goodreads.
- Strange Weather in Tokyo by Hiromi Kawakami (15,238 ratings)
- Sweat Bean Paste by Durian Sukegawa (7,194 ratings)
- 84, Charing Cross Road by Helene Hanff (45,737 ratings)
- The Book of Speculation by Eerika Swyler (31, 258 ratings)
- I debated including this book. I almost just removed it from my TBR. But if enough people think I should give it a chance, then I will!
Which book should I read in November? Vote on the poll below or by leaving a comment on this post. (I can’t tell who voted on Twitter, so if you’re really keen you can vote in the comments AND on Twitter ;P) Voting closes on 27 October. Voting has closed.

I’m glad you enjoyed “Small Spaces.” I haven’t read the sequel, “Dead Voices,” yet, but I’ve heard it’s better than the first book. The author says to expect 4 books in that series.
Ooh, I also have Dead Voices checked out so maybe I will read it this weekend. I didn’t realize there are four books planned so thanks for mentioning that! I thought it was just the two.
I asked the author during one of her livestreams, and she said 4 books. If you read Book 2 before I do (which, you probably will), then let us know how it is!
I loved 84 Charing Cross Road, but I’ve also heard really good things about Strange Weather. I’m torn!
I will permit you to have two votes – unless it is a tie between those two titles, then I will just decide ;P
Strange Weather in Tokyo sounds really interesting so that’s got my vote. I took out The Book of Speculation from the library a couple years ago after having it on my TBR for a while but after reading a couple pages I just wasn’t into it
Thanks for voting! Sounds like I might be right to cast off The Book of Speculation…
I haven’t read or heard of any of these, but I will always upvote food, so I’d say Sweat Bean Paste.
Thanks for the vote!